Teachers’ and students’ level of awareness regarding re-entry of mother-students in public secondary schools in Dodoma city

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East African Journal of Education and Social Sciences (EAJESS)


Background: This study investigates the awareness levels among teachers and students regarding the re-entry policy for mother students in public secondary schools in Dodoma City, Tanzania. The re-entry policy, implemented in 2021, emphasises the readmission of teen mothers to the regular school system. Study Design: Employing a Concurrent Triangulation Design, the study gathered comprehensive information by incorporating diverse research methods. Population and Sampling: A sample of 489 students and 104 teachers from ordinal secondary schools in Dodoma City was selected using random, systematic, and stratified techniques. Instruments/Sources of Data: Data collection utilised questionnaires, interviews, and Focus Group Discussions (FGD). Validity and Reliability: Validity was ensured through a literature review, expert consultation, and supervisor input. Reliability was confirmed via a test-retest method, yielding a Cronbach’s Alpha of 0.705. Statistical Treatment of Data: SPSS version 25 facilitated descriptive and inferential statistical analyses, employing counts, percentages, and tables for data condensation. The Chi-square test explored associations between variables. Ethical Considerations: Following ethical guidelines, the study prioritized participant confidentiality and informed consent. Key Findings: The study identified that 55% of students and 69% of teachers possessed adequate awareness of re-entry guidelines. Significant associations were noted between awareness levels and socio-demographic attributes, including teachers’ and students’ sex, students’ class, and the education level of students’ mothers. Recommendation: The study recommends that the Tanzanian government reinforce and implement existing re-entry guidelines. This is crucial to prevent the exclusion of girls from the education arena and foster inclusivity and equal educational opportunities.


Research article


Continuation, Re-entry, Adolescence, Teen mothers, Level of awareness, Ordinal secondary school.
