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    Rethinking the effect of risk aversion on the benefits of serviceinnovations in public administration agencies
    (elsevier, 2017) Torugsa, Nuttaneeya; Arundel, Anthony
    tThis study applies a holistic approach grounded in configurational theory to a sample of 2505 innova-tive public administration agencies in Europe to explore the effect of organizational risk aversion on thebenefits from service innovations. The analyses, using fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis (QCA),identify several combinations of strategies (varying by the agency size and the novelty of innovation) thatmanagers in risk-averse agencies can use to work effectively around the risks of innovating. The findingsshow that the managers of both high and low risk-averse agencies can achieve high benefits from theirinnovation efforts, but their strategizing behaviors differ. An integrated strategy that combines collab-oration, complementary process and communication innovations, and an active management strategyto support innovation is the most effective method for ‘low-risk-averse’ small agencies and ‘high-risk-averse’ larger agencies to obtain high benefits from either novel or incremental service innovations. Ourresults point to the need to rethink the conventional assumption that a culture of risk aversion in publicsector agencies is a cause of management ineffectiveness and a stumbling block to innovation success.
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    Factors affecting sustainability of agricultural technologies in Tanzania: a case of bustani ya Tushikamane (byt) project in Morogoro region
    (Tanzania Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 2024) Mhando, A; Funga,A; Kadigi,M
    Sustainability of agricultural technologies is crucial for improving farmers’ livelihoods, food security and poverty reduction. Most agricultural projects tend to be ultimately inactive as they end leaving their beneficiaries poor and food insecure due to unsustainability of the projects. The study on which this paper is based assessed sustainability of agricultural technologies and factors affecting it. The study employed cross-sectional research design. Data were collected from 90 respondents using a questionnaire. Descriptive and ordinal logistic regression analyses were done. Factors like market availability (p=0.000), training (p=0.021), and cost of the agricultural technologies (p=0.000) significantly predicted the likelihood of sustainability of agricultural technologies at 5% level of significance. It is concluded that training, market availability, and cost of introduced agriculture technologies are crucial factors influencing sustainability of agricultural technologies. For increased sustainability of agricultural technologies, it is recommended that introduction of agricultural technologies should utilizing locally available resources to minimize cost of the technologies.
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    Sources and knowledge of smallholder farmers in agricultural information in Mvomero district, Tanzania: where does misinformation originate?
    (Tanzania Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 2024) Sandy, N.J; Salehe,F; Magesa,M.
    his study examined the access to sources and knowledge of smallholder farmers in agricultural information in Mvomero District, Tanzania, and identified the origin of misinformation among these farmers. The study employed a mixed-methods approach, including a survey of 192 smallholder farmers and interviews with agricultural extension officers and key informants. The study adopted a cross-sectional research design involving both qualitative and quantitative research methods through key informant interviews and questionnaires respectively. Descriptive statistics results indicated that more than half of the respondents (70%) were poorly accessing the reliable agricultural information. Furthermore, more than three quarters of the respondents (96%) had high level of knowledge on agricultural misinformation but still, they could not well access reliable agricultural information. Likewise, more than half of respondents (74.5%) accessed agricultural information through farmers – farmers while half of respondents (50%) accessed agricultural information through other sources such as radio, television, mobile phones, smartphones, and extension officers, and this may be a problem in accessing the reliable agricultural information. Additionally, the study revealed that misinformation among smallholder farmers originates from various sources, including fellow farmers, traditional beliefs, and inadequate agricultural extension services. The study recommends interventions to improve smallholder farmers' access to agricultural information, including expanding communication channels and improving agricultural extension services, to mitigate the spread of misinformation.
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    Power relations and knowledge linkages among actors in the groundnuts seed value chain in central Tanzania
    (Tanzania Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 2024) Mulokozi, G.G; Massawe,G.D; Mwololo,J.
    Interdependence among actors enhances value chain functioning as it not only closely links them, but also enables them to engage with each other across the chain to form a network. The network created through these actors’ involvement and interdependence creates a necessary condition for adoption and diffusion of incentives for the value chain development and stability. In the groundnut seed value chain, less is known like in other crops’ value chain less is known on issues related to power relations and dynamics that can be assessed in levels and dimesnions of knowledge, material and income. This study aimed to assess the power relations and knowledge linkages among the actors in the groundnut seed value chain in central Tanzania. The specific objectives of the study were to identify the actors involved, their roles, and the influence and importance of power relations in the knowledge aspect. The study used a qualitative approach and a cross-sectional design. The primary data were collected through focus group discussions and key informant interviews, while the secondary data were obtained from records related to the groundnut crop and its value chain from the sampled districts covered by the Tropical Legumes III project. The UCINET software statistical package for network analysis was used to analyze the data collected. The study reveales that there is a number of actors at the village and district levels, some of whom were found in both levels.Further, power relations among these actors are revelead through centrality measures, emphasizing the significance of ties and linkages in shaping knowledge exchange dynamics. The findings speak volume on the role of influential actors at both levels, with implications for information flow, decision-making, and the overall success of the groundnuts seed value chain. The study also found that the number of ties that the actors had in the groundnut seed value chain affected their knowledge linkages, as well as their influence and power over others. The study identified that NGOs, CBOs, local government, researchers, and traders had higher influence and importance in knowledge linkages than other actors at both levels. The study recommended prioritizing the inclusion of less powerful and influential actors and involving important stakeholders in interventions targeting power relations through innovation platforms.
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    Sources and knowledge of smallholder farmers in agricultural information in Mvomero District, Tanzania: where does misinformation originate?
    (AJOL, 2024) Sandy, N. J.; Salehe F.; Magesa M.
    This study examined the access to sources and knowledge of smallholder farmers in agricultural information in Mvomero District, Tanzania, and identified the origin of misinformation among these farmers. The study employed a mixed-methods approach, including a survey of 192 smallholder farmers and interviews with agricultural extension officers and key informants. The study adopted a cross-sectional research design involving both qualitative and quantitative research methods through key informant interviews and questionnaires respectively. Descriptive statistics results indicated that more than half of the respondents (70%) were poorly accessing the reliable agricultural information. Furthermore, more than three quarters of the respondents (96%) had high level of knowledge on agricultural misinformation but still, they could not well access reliable agricultural information. Likewise, more than half of respondents (74.5%) accessed agricultural information through farmers – farmers while half of respondents (50%) accessed agricultural information through other sources such as radio, television, mobile phones, smartphones, and extension officers, and this may be a problem in accessing the reliable agricultural information. Additionally, the study revealed that misinformation among smallholder farmers originates from various sources, including fellow farmers, traditional beliefs, and inadequate agricultural extension services. The study recommends interventions to improve smallholder farmers' access to agricultural information, including expanding communication channels and improving agricultural extension services, to mitigate the spread of misinformation.
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    Power relations and knowledge linkages among actors in the groundnuts seed value chain in Central Tanzania
    (AJOL, 2024) Mulokozi, G. G.; Massawe G. D.; Mwololo J.
    Interdependence among actors enhances value chain functioning as it not only closely links them, but also enables them to engage with each other across the chain to form a network. The network created through these actors’ involvement and interdependence creates a necessary condition for adoption and diffusion of incentives for the value chain development and stability.In the groundnut seed value chain, less is known like in other crops’ value chain less is known on issues related to power relations and dynamics that can be assessed in levels and dimesnions of knowledge, material and income. This study aimed to assess the power relations and knowledge linkages among the actors in the groundnut seed value chain in central Tanzania. The specific objectives of the study were to identify the actors involved, their roles, and the influence and importance of power relations in the knowledge aspect. The study used a qualitative approach and a cross-sectional design. The primary data were collected through focus group discussions and key informant interviews, while the secondary data were obtained from records related to the groundnut crop and its value chain from the sampled districts covered by the Tropical Legumes III project. The UCINET software statistical package for network analysis was used to analyze the data collected. The study reveales that there is a number of actors at the village and district levels, some of whom were found in both levels.Further, power relations among these actors are revelead through centrality measures, emphasizing the significance of ties and linkages in shaping knowledge exchange dynamics. The findings speak volume on the role of influential actors at both levels, with implications for information flow, decision-making, and the overall success of the groundnuts seed value chain. The study also found that the number of ties that the actors had in the groundnut seed value chain affected their knowledge linkages, as well as their influence and power over others. The study identified that NGOs, CBOs, local government, researchers, and traders had higher influence and importance in knowledge linkages than other actors at both levels. The study recommended prioritizing the inclusion of less powerful and influential actors and involving important stakeholders in interventions targeting power relations through innovation platforms.
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    Land tenure security, household income and distribution, lesson from southern highlands in Iringa District Council
    (International journal of Research in Business & Social Science, 2024-04-22) Gerald Usika, Gerald; Urassa, Justin K.; Kabote, Samwel J.
    Land distribution is a key factor in income inequality in rural areas of developing countries. This study examines the impact of land tenure security on household income and its distribution in Iringa district, Tanzania, focusing on the Certificate of Customary Right of Occupation (CCRO). Using a quasi- experimental design and Propensity Score Matching, 404 respondents were randomly selected and divided into groups with and without CCROs. Both quantitative and qualitative data were collected through surveys and in-depth interviews. Analysis using SPSS/STATA revealed that households with CCROs had higher agricultural yields, sales, and lower production costs. They also invested more in modern farming techniques and soil conservation, leading to higher incomes and reduced income inequality. Despite over 50,000 CCROs issued, credit access remains limited due to a lack of awareness and additional collateral requirements. The study concludes that secure land rights are vital for economic growth and poverty alleviation. Recommendations include increasing awareness about CCROs, facilitating their use as collateral, and exploring barriers to credit access for CCRO holders. Further research is needed to address these challenges.
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    Implication of institutional frameworks governing land tenure security in social-economic dynamics: experience from Iringa District in Tanzania
    (Journal of Public Policy and Administration, 2024) Usika, Gerald; Urassa, Justin K.; Kabote, Samwel. J.
    Purpose: The study aimed to examine the implication of institutional frameworks governing land tenure security in socioeconomic dynamics in the Iringa district. The study used the case of the Iringa district to investigate the institutional framework that provides implications for the governance of land tenure security in Tanzania. Methodology: The study employed phenomenography by collecting primary data from 16 key informants selected from village and district levels. Data from key informants were complemented by documentary review with perception considered deductively. Findings: Findings confirmed the existence of two principal institutional frameworks; the Land Act No. 5 of 1999 and the Village Land Act No. 4 of 1999. Nonetheless, bureaucracy, inadequate policy dissemination, and poverty emerged as primary causes of deviations in land policy implementation in the study area. This study concludes that the successful implementation of Tanzania's land policy in the Iringa District Council has significantly facilitated land tenure security through the issuance of a Certificate of Customary Right of Occupancy. Establishing a robust institutional framework and clear land use rules has been central to this success. However, challenges such as complex Certificate of Customary Right of Occupancy acquisition procedures, bureaucracy, inadequate policy dissemination, and prevalent poverty in rural areas have been identified as impediments. Unique Contribution to Theory, Practice and Policy: The study was guided by Institutional Theory which describes the interaction of human beings with existing natural resources, the institution involves the regulation of formal rules from constitutions, status laws, and other legal frameworks controlling the interaction and relationship of human behavior. The study contributed to the theory by establishing the relationship between the organization and enforcement of policy and regulatory framework that governs land tenure. Also, the study recommends expanding the Certificate of Customary Right of Occupancy issuance, strengthening local land administration, simplifying land use regulations, facilitating easier access to Certificate of Customary Right of Occupancy especially for impoverished households, and implementing strategies to reduce bureaucracy and enhancing policy understanding at the grassroots level. These measures aim to enhance land tenure security and support sustainable development in rural communities.
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    Income Linkage as an Aspect Of Power Relations Among Chain Actors In The Groundnuts Seed Value Chain In Kongwa And Kiteto Districts, Tanzania
    (Tanzania Journal of Community Development, 2022) Mulokozi, G. G.; Massawe, G. D; Mwololo, J.
    This study aims at addressing limited knowledge on income linkages and power dynamics within the groundnuts seed value chain. The study population comprised members from three clusters: research institutes, village and district authority level, including innovation platform members in Kiteto and Kongwa Districts. Primary data was collected through focus group discussions and interviews, while secondary data was obtained from records relating to the groundnut crop and its value chain. Four Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) (two in Mlali Village-Kongwa District and two in Kiteto District) with a total of 48 purposively selected respondents participated in the discussions. Key informants were also selected using a purposive sampling technique to obtain a range of cases with relevant knowledge of the groundnut seed value chain. Social network data on income linkages among actors was analysed using the UCINET statistical software package integrated with the NETDRAW program to determine centrality measures and the level of influence and importance among chain actors. Qualitative data from semi-structured interviews were also analysed through content analysis involving breaking, comparing, and categorizing to complement the social network data. The study revealed that farmers and middlemen had the highest relative normalized betweenness compared to other actors in both district and village levels, indicating that they are powerful due to their importance in the value chain setup. The study concluded that there is a need to ensure inclusive and improved income linkages both vertically and horizontally with other actors for stable and functional groundnuts seed value chain.
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    Factors associated with post-harvest milk losses at collection centres and among vendors in Tanzania
    (Tanzania Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 2023) Lugamara, C. B.; Urassa, J. K.; Massawe, G. D.
    Tanzania has engaged in various interventions to improve the countries food and nutritional security among which is the creation of a good environment for increased milk production, collection, storage, marketing and consumption. However, milk losses continue to occur along the country’s milk value chain (4.4% and 7.0% at the collection centres and the milk vendors respectively). The study on which the paper is based assessed factors associated with post-harvest milk losses among milk collectors and vendors in Tanzania. A cross-sectional research design was adopted whereby 35 individuals who were in-charge of milk collection centres (MCCs) and 52 milk vendors were selected for the study covering the period June 2021 to September 2022. Generally, the results show that milk was mostly lost through spoilage (2.7% & 3.5%), spillage (1.9% & 3.3%) and contamination (0.1% & 0.2%) at the MCCs and vendors respectively. In addition, Generalised Linear Mixed Model results show that characteristics of the milk transporter (Adjusted Coefficient (AC) = -3.519; 95% Confidence Interval (CI): -5.752--1.286), market stability (AC = -9.525; CI: -18.092--0.958), season (AC = -0.19; 95% CI: -0.37--0.010) and awareness/knowledge on post-harvest milk losses (AC = -0.274; 95% CI: -0.490--0.058) were negatively and significantly associated with post-harvest milk losses. Therefore, respondents’ characteristics, market stability, season, milk handling facilities and awareness/knowledge of post-harvest milk loss were the main drivers of post-harvest milk losses (PHMLs). Therefore, there is a need for the livestock extension officers in Tanzania to create awareness but, also train milk collectors on how to reduce PHMLs. In addition, there is a need for collective investment in milk infrastructures and other logistics if milk losses by the above-mentioned are to be reduced. Lastly, the Government needs to create a conducive environment that enhances the availability of quality and affordable milk handling equipment to allow the storage and transportation of milk that minimizes its losses.
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    Smallholder rice farmers’ technical efficiency: implication for competitiveness through agricultural marketing co-operative societies in Tanzania
    (Tanzania Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 2023) Mauki, C.; Jeckoniah, J.; Massawe, G. D.
    Agricultural Marketing Co-operative Societies (AMCOS) are increasingly being advocated by the government of Tanzania as a way to enhance smallholder farmers’ competitiveness countrywide. Yet, the smallholder rice farmers’ competitiveness is low. This paper analysed the smallholder rice farmers’ competitiveness in terms of Technical Efficiency (TE) in Morogoro and Mbeya regions, Tanzania. Data were collected from 382 smallholder rice farmers. The Cobb-Douglas stochastic frontier model was used to establish the frontier line of the farmer’s production potentials by a single-stage Maximum Likelihood Estimates. The findings show that the mean TE indices for Kapunga, Madibira and UWAWAKUDA AMCOS were 84.9%, 87.6% and 79.1% respectively. Across AMCOS, it was found that intermediate costs, labor costs, fixed costs and amount of fertiliser influenced productivity ( P<0.05) while access to training, water distribution, ploughing time, planting systems, and access to credit influenced TE (P<0.05). The mean TE for the whole sample was 83.8% indicating that smallholder rice farms in the study area have been operating below the maximum level of production frontier and given the available technology, farmers can increase their production by 16.2%. The rice production in terms of TE has not reached a plateau, hence there is a potential for improvement. This study recommends that policymakers should prioritize the implementation of targeted training programs and enhance access to agricultural inputs and credit facilities to improve the technical efficiency of smallholder rice farmers. The Local Government Authority and development partners espoused with improving smallholder farmers’ livelihoods should ensure farmers’ access to credit and increase farmers’ linkages to credit providers in the rice farming schemes.
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    Traditional livestock systems in Tanzania; an application of the TEEB Framework
    (The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (TEEB), 2020) Baltussen, W.; van Berkum, S.; Dijkxhoorn, Y.; Helmes, R.; Özkan Gülzari, Ş.; Vellinga, T.; Massawe, G. D.; Galgani, P.; Borniotto, D.; van den Elzen, F.; Smith, T.
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    A review of post-harvest milk losses in Tanzania’s milk sector: lessons from production to consumption
    (Tanzania Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 2023) Lugamara, C.B.; Urassa, J. K.; Massawe, G. D.
    Tanzania has engaged in various policies, strategies and programmes in order to increase production, processing and marketing infrastructure for milk and milk products and minimise animal product losses. However, not much is known in relation to post-harvest milk losses. Therefore, the review paper aims to establish from empirical literature the extent of Tanzania’s post-harvest milk losses and the causes in relation to efforts made by the government to minimise the same. To achieve the above, the authors used various databases to locate documents reporting on Tanzania’s post-harvest milk losses whereby 1605 documents were identified and screened remaining with 82 that were deemed relevant. Thereafter, an assessment of the 82 documents led to only 12 being included in the critical review, with ten being dropped due to either being similar or using the same data. Therefore, in the end, only two documents are captured in this paper. Generally, the review shows that there is insufficient empirical information on Tanzania’s post-harvest milk losses with the most recent study having been conducted almost 19 years ago. In addition, the study’s scope was quite limited, covering a sample of 66 respondents and a narrow geographical coverage of only three regions (i.e. Coast, Dar es Salaam and Morogoro). Furthermore, the study used the rapid appraisal approach. Therefore, there is a need for disaggregated information on Tanzania’s extent of post-harvest milk losses at various nodes of the milk value chain so as to inform policy makers and other stakeholders interested in curbing the same. Keywords: Milk losses, milk supply chain, post-harvest losses.
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    Food insecurity among working poor and their coping strategies in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania.
    (Social Work Journal, 2024) Njalambaya, C. A; Kayunze, K. A; Massawe, G. D.
    Food insecurity is one of the contemporary global challenges as a large number of people in the world have inadequate access to sufficient and quality food. The objectives of the paper are as follows: to assess the status of food insecurity among working poor class members in Dar es Salaam, examine their coping strategies, and determine the association between the status of food insecurity and coping strategies. The study used a cross-sectional research design. A structured questionnaire and Focus Group Discussions (FDGs) were used to collect data from 336 respondents. Chi-square was used to determine the association between the status of food insecurity of the working poor and their coping strategies in Dar es Salaam. The findings show that the working poor mainly relied on loans from friends and relatives and participating in Rotating Savings and Credits Associations (ROSCAs) as coping strategies. Furthermore, less than 20% of the working poor households experienced food insecurity. Coping strategies such as changing the place of residence, receiving financial assistance from friends and relatives, and participating in ROSCAs were significantly associated with food insecurity status of the working poor. It is concluded that food insecurity among the working poor is a relatively invisible aspect. Being a worker with a monthly wage does not prevent the working poor from falling into the food-insecure population category. It is recommended that the information on the association between the status of food insecurity and the coping strategies used by the working poor should be considered in the amendments of policies such as the Food Insecurity Policy for them to be efficient.
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    Determinants of post-harvest milk losses among milk producers in Tanzania
    (ASRIC Journal on Agricultural Sciences, 2023) Lugamara, Charles B.; Urassa, Justin K.; Massawe, Goodluck D.
    Despite the Tanzania’s programmes that aimed at improving infrastructures for milk and milk products, milk losses continue to be substantially high. The paper evaluated the determinants of post-harvest milk losses at the milk producers in Tanzania. The study adopted the cross-sectional research design whereby data were collected from 370 household heads and 38 Farm Managers in both the dry (June to October 2021; June to September 2022) and wet (November to December 2021; January to May 2022) seasons. Generally, study findings showed that milk was mainly lost through spillage, spoilage and contamination. In addition, Generalised Linear Mixed Model results showed existence of significant associations between location (Adjusted Coefficient (AC) = -0.80; 95% Confidence Interval (CI): -1.28-0.31), cattle keeping systems (AC = -0.75; 95% CI: -1.38-0.11), market price (AC = 0.66; 95% CI: 0.23- 1.10), transport means (AC = -0.69; 95% CI: -1.29—0.10) and spillage. Additionally, washing cow’s udder before milking (AC = -2.10; 95% CI: -3.70-0.49), water used for washing milk utensils (AC = -1.302; 95% CI: -2.43—0.17) and storage equipment (AC = -1.26; 95% CI: -2.47—0.05) were significantly associated with spoilage. Therefore, the Tanzanian government needs to improve extension services and workable strategies to minimise milk losses.
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    Causes and management of land conflicts in Tanzania: a case of farmers versus pastoralists
    (Uongozi Journal of Management and Development Dy namics, 2016) Massawe, Goodluck Dastan; Urassa, Justin Kalisti
    Land conflicts are on the increase in many parts of Tanzania. Though the same existed even in the planned economy era 1961 to 1985, there has been an escalation of thesame since Tanzania opted for market economy in the mid-1980s. While land corif!.icts are experienced by all walk<; of life and people engaged in different economic activities, those between farmers and pastoralists have been more! leading to loss of life and property in many instances. The aim of this paper is twofold: firstly, to examine the factors that have contributed to the causes and persistence of .farmer-pastoralist conflicts in Tanzania; and secondly, to examine the strategies that have been applied in managing .farmer-pastoralist conflicts. The paper contains a review that is organised into three .fundamental sections. After introduction, Section Two discusses the literature that analyses the conflict by drawing on the social, historical and economic causes. In Section Three, the papei· introduces some of the key framework<; used within the peace and conflict literature, particularly in reference to the dffering notions of conflict management, conflict resolution and conflict transformation that could be applied in solving or managing conflicts between .farmers and pastoralists in Tanzania for the good of both groups. The paper makes two conclusions: firstl y, the farmer-pastoralist conflict tends to be best explained through an interpretive lens that sees many processes impacting on the highlighted issue. Whilefarmer-pastoralist corifl.i cts have been produced by social, historical, economic and discursive factors; the former three factors have dominated most of the analysis within the literature . Secondly, there is no single solution for managing the conflicts. However, to effectively manage the conflicts communities need to adopt a multidimensional approach that takes into account a range of the contributing factors .
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    Smallholder rice farmers profitability in Agricultural Marketing Co-operative Societies in Tanzania: A case of Mvomero and Mbarali districts
    (Heliyon, 2023) Mauki, C.; Jeckoniah, J.; Massawe, G. D.
    mallholder rice farming in Tanzania is an important economic activity that has the potential to livelihood improvement of smallholder farmers, yet their profitability remains low due to several challenges they face. This study analyzed costs and benefits associated with smallholder rice farming, determined profit distribution among farmers and assessed risk bearing ability of smallholder rice farmers under changing circumstances of total variable costs, price and yields. The study was conducted in Mvomero and Mbarali districts and adopted a cross-sectional research design, the sample size was 382 smallholder rice farmers selected from three Agricul­ tural Marketing Co-operative Societies during 2021 cropping season. Data were collected through a questionnaire-based survey and key informant interviews. Data were analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) and excel whereby Enterprise Budgetary Technique and Sensitivity Analysis were performed. The study found an average Return on Investment of 0.42, Benefit Cost Ratio of 1.42 and Profit Margin of 24%. The level of profitability differed among co- operatives where ‘Umoja wa Wakulima Dakawa’ (UWAWAKUDA) had the highest return per acre (524 417 TZS) followed by Kapunga (414 111 TZS) and Madibira (316 638 TZS). Furthermore, smallholder rice farmers’ Gross Margins were significantly affected by changes in Total Variable Costs, output price and yield per acre. The study concludes that rice production is a profitable business in the study area. Therefore, the local government, co-operatives and other stakeholders should improve drivers that lead to increased profitability such as the water infrastructures, organize markets and build farmers’ capacities to improve yields and profitability among smallholder rice farmers.
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    Determinants of smallholder rice farmers’ market outlet selection in Mbarali and Mvomero Districts, Tanzania
    (Tanzania Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 2023) Mauki, C.; Jeckoniah, J.; Massawe, G.
    Understanding smallholder farmers’ market outlets have the potential to improve the productivity and incomes of smallholder farmers engaged in rice farming. Tanzania rice farmers select market outlets from a diverse spectrum. There is a scarcity of empirical information on the drivers of farmers’ decision-making associated with market outlets in the context of Agricultural Marketing Co-operative Societies’ marketing initiatives. This paper explores the smallholder rice farmers’ drivers for the selection of market outlets. A cross-sectional research design was used. A sample of 382 smallholder rice farmers was selected from three co-operative societies selected from two districts in Morogoro and Mbeya Regions. Multivariate Probit regression was applied to examine the determinants of market outlet selection decisions. It was found that the market outlets were wholesale, retail, millers, middlemen and private buyer. The majority (65.7%) of farmers sold to more than one outlet. The quantity of paddy sold, access to market information, smartphone ownership, access to credit, the amount of rice sold and frequency of extension visits were the important determinants of the selection of market outlets (p<0.05). It is concluded that the majority of farmers have access to multiple market outlets which contributes to livelihood improvement. To promote livelihood through agricultural transformation in Tanzania, policymakers should prioritize increasing smallholder rice farmers' access to market outlets through initiatives such as building rural infrastructures, improving market information systems, and promoting public- private partnerships.
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    Smallholder rice farmers’ access to information in Tanzania: can agricultural marketing co-operative societies provide quality information?
    (Journal of Co-operative and Business Studies, 2023) Mauki, Consesa; Jeckoniah, John; Massawe, Goodluck
    Access to quality information plays a crucial role in enhancing the competitiveness of smallholder rice farmers in Tanzania. Agricultural co-operatives have the potential to overcome smallholder farmers’ information asymmetry. Yet, there is a lack of comprehensive understanding regarding the extent to which Agricultural Marketing Co-operative Societies (AMCOS) can effectively provide quality information to smallholder farmers as required by Co-operative Principle number five (Education, Training, and Information). This paper analyses the current level of access to information among smallholder rice farmers in AMCOS, evaluating the relevance, adequacy and reliability of information provided by AMCOS to its members and identifying the factors influencing the adequacy of the information provided by AMCOS. The study was conducted in Mvomero and Mbarali Districts. A cross- sectional research design was used and data were collected using a questionnaire that was administered to 382 randomly selected farmers based on registers availed by co-operative managers in three co-operatives. Data were analysed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) whereby ordinal logistic regression was used to estimate the influence of various factors on the adequacy of information obtained from AMCOS. The study found that 77.2% of farmers accessed information on rice agronomy. Smallholder rice farmers obtained adequate (52.6%), relevant (35.6%) and reliable (37.7%) information from their respective AMCOS. The adequacy of information was influenced by membership in social groups, access to rice agronomy information and financial information at p<0.05. It is concluded that agricultural co-operatives are potential platforms for providing quality information in enhancing smallholder rice farmers’ informed decision-making. The study recommends that efforts should be made to strengthen AMCOS by providing them with resources, training, and support to enhance their capacity to deliver accurate and timely information to farmers. This include collaboration with agricultural extension service providers and leveraging their networks to access up-to-date information on agronomic practices, weather forecasts, and market trends to enhance farmers’ competitiveness in rice farming.
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    Rapid environmental flow assessment for sustainable water resource management in Tanzania’s Lower Rufiji River Basin: a scoping review
    (Heliyon, 2023) Kimambo, Offoro N.; Mbungu, Winfred; Massawe, Goodluck D.; Hamad, Amina A.; Ligate, Elly J.
    The use of Environmental flow (e-Flow) assessment is a widely adopted approach to facilitate informed decision-making concerning sustainable management and utilization of water resources in river systems. The Lower Rufiji River Basin faces various developmental pressures from several sectors, including hydropower, mining, agriculture, livestock, fishing, and tourism, necessitating effective management of the sub-catchment area to prevent significant environmental impacts. Consequently, it is essential to acquire a comprehensive comprehension of the catchment’s at­ tributes, encompassing both climatic and non-climatic factors. Supported by e-Flow batch anal­ ysis of the available data at Stiegler’s Gorge using the global environmental flow calculator, a scoping review was conducted to determine the status of environmental flow in the lower Rufiji River basin. The findings suggest that, while there has been progress in understanding eFlow estimation, limited data and ecohydrological processes’ poor comprehension still present chal­ lenges. Hydrological and holistic methodologies are commonly employed in Tanzania; however, uncertainties remain, raising questions concerning trust between decision-making tools and water resource utilization by the public. Climate variability influences e-Flow in the Rufiji River Basin, and the projections under various scenarios indicate an increased temperature, varying rainfall, and humidity levels. Further, the area has been identified as a vulnerable “hotspot” where communities face greater climate stressor risks. With the existing and planned developmental projects in the basin, including hydroelectric dams, mining, agriculture, livestock, and fisheries, it is critical to assess e-Flow in the Lower Rufiji River basin to ensure resource sustainability. Advocating for preserving a dynamic environmental flow regime in rivers is recommended, considering the Rufiji River Basin’s habitat connectivity. The future research direction should be quantifying the contribution of base flow to the surface flow, and salinity dynamics in the Lower Rufiji River Basin, which can affect the Delta’s biodiversity.