Department of Forest Technology and Wood Sciences
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Item Bark-stripping and food habits of blue monkeys in a forest plantation on mount Meru, Tanzania(Sokoine University of Agriculture, 1989-04) Maganga, Samwel L.S.Bark-stripping of Cupressus lusitanica (cypress) and Pinus patula (pine) by blue monkeys (Cercopethicus mitis kibonotensis) in Meru Forest Plantations has been a problem since they were established in the early 1950s. This study was conducted in 1987 in the Sokoine University of Agriculture Training Forest, a portion of the Meru Forest Plantations, to determine the magnitude of bark-stripping in relation to the food habits of blue monkeys. The extent, intensity and effects of bark damage were assessed in compartments with trees 3 to 14 years old, and the pattern of debarking was monitored throughout the year. On the average, 79.5 % cypress and 88.7% pine trees were debarked. Blue monkeys preferred dominant cypress trees to intermediate trees. In contrast, intermediate pine trees were more damaged than dominant trees. trees were least damaged. In both species, suppressed In all types of trees, the most severe bark damage occurred at the middle and top of the tree trunks. Twisted bole was the most common defect developed by damaged trees; 34% cypress and 38% pine trees were twisted at the middle and top sections. Bark-stripping was low in the rain season and increased in the dry season peaking at 22% of trees damaged in June and July. • The food habits data were collected from the indigenous forest at two sites within the plantation. plant species were eaten by blue monkeys. A total of 38 Fruits were theiv most frequently consumed food item and averaged 76% of the monthly feeding records. Leaves were the next important food item but they were inversely related to the feeding on fruits. The other food items (flowers, shoots, petioles and bark) were similarly inversely related to the feeding on fruits. Bark stripping was negatively correlated to the feeding on fruits, and thus increased when the feeding on fruits declined. Fruits of Ficus thonninqii were the prime item in the diet of blue monkeys contributing 50 to 60% of the monthly feeding records. The amount of fruit on these trees in the area was also inversely related to extent of bark damage in the plantation. The water and carbohydrate in the bark of cypress and pine trees was determined to examine if they influenced the bark-stripping. These were poorly correlated to the monthly debarking of both tree species.Item Tropical rainforest deforestation, biodiversity benefits and sustainable landuse: analysis of economic and ecological aspects related to the Nguru mountains, Tanzania.(Agricultural University of Norway, 1995) Monela, Gerald C.The purpose of this report is to identify the main landuse and landuse problems with reference to agriculture and forestry in the Nguru mountains, and the main factors causing these problems, and analyze ways to reduce them in order to prevent forest degradation and deforestation. Based on data collected in villages in the Nguru mountains using interviews, field observations, and secondary sources it seems that ecological and socio-economic factors have played an important role in shaping the existing landuse practices, landuse problems and factors causing landuse problems in the Nguru mountains. The major landuses are agriculture and forestry. The agriculture is dependent on rainfall, growing mainly subsistence food crops using traditional farming practices. Forestry is for water conservation but also supplies local communities with both timber and nontimber forest products. Relative to other landuses such as settlements and grazing, agriculture and forestry have contributed most to the prevailing landuse conflicts in the Nguru mountains. The main landuse problems in the Nguru mountains are: deforestation pressure through encroachment for agriculture and settlements, forest degradation through excessive forest product exploitation, frequent and uncontrolled bush fires, land degradation and soil erosion, declining crop harvests, squatters inside the Forest Reserve, farming in the buffer zone around the rainforest and non-adherence to forest control measures. The impact of these landuse problems on the rainforest have been more severe on lowland rainforests where high rates of rainforest conversion to agriculture and other landuses were observed. These landuse problems are a consequence of many interrelated factors acting as local agents or beyond local boundaries. These factors are caused by complex processes resulting from human social dynamics. From survey results in the area these factors range from social, economic, cultural and political forces which are related to each other in multilineal causal chains. The main ones are: growing population, land scarcity, search for market goods, increased domestic demand for food and forest products, poverty, lack of knowledge, lack of an effective extension service, market failures such as breakdown of traditional management systems due to commercialization of demand for resources, government failures such as inefficient government policies, risks and uncertainty in farming (pests, diseases and vagaries of climate) insecure land rights under customary land tenure system, traditional or cultural barriers, conflicting objectives between land users, failure to control protected areas such as Forest Reserves and decline in forest product supply and lack of income from outside agriculture and forestry. It seems the government has not been able to control landuse problems through policy measures or coercion. Also the market has not been able to do so, due to its failure to provide negative feedback loops to check landuse problems. Widespread market and government failures largely account for this situation since, they provide incentive for poor landuse practices. Rural poverty and efforts to adapt to economic hardships at the local level have a significant influence on landuse problems. Vaguely defined, unequitable and uncertain land tenure conditions, lack of knowledge and traditional barriers have added a complicating dimension to landuse problems. The poor local people, the direct agents of degradation and deforestation pressure, have been made to rely on unreliable access to credit markets due to the absence of guarantees (collateral), caused by lack or uncertainty of tenure. The effect has been to increase landuse problems. Since the welfare and survival of the local people in the Nguru mountains, are inextricably linked with agriculture and the environment, they must improve current landuse practices, in order to come to terms with the reality of resource limitation and carrying capacity of their ecosystem. Wise management of land and forest resources requires appropriate landuse practices, to alleviate landuse problems in order to improve the standard of living and preserve the biological systems, especially the tropical rainforest upon which they depend. The strategy recommended requires landuse planning for efficient use of resources and integrated planning to harmonize conflict between land uses. Other measures include family planning to control population growth, education to enhance change of attitude on resource use, by overcoming communication breakdown between resources users and protectors through direct dialogue and community involvement, giving some specific rights to property in reserved forests, and benefits to villagers to meet their needs while protecting the resources, improving traditional landuse systems and traditional knowledge, incorporating agroforestry in farming systems, removal of institutional barriers to wise landuse by government through appropriate policy changes, and improvement of rainforest management methods to enhance forest protection.Item Fungal diseases of trees in Tanzania with emphasis on the stem decay of the East African camphor tree, Ocotea usambarensis Engl.(Agricultural University of Norway, 1996) Nsolomo, Vincent R.This study presents the current situation and gives a background on forest disease research and knowledge in Tanzania. Some important disease epidemics are discussed and known fungi causing diseases to indigenous and exotic tree species have been tabulated to show the hosts, the pathogens and the pans of the host affected. The review on the disease situation also provides some information on the stem decay of Ocotea usambarensis, which is reported in detail under the current study. The stem decay of O. usambarensis has been studied in the Usambara and Kilimanjaro mountain rain forests and causative fungi isolated from standing trees and identified. The decay, characterized by butt rot and main stem decay, and which may attack both the heart wood and sapwood, has been diagnosed basing on the Koch’s postulates. The symptoms, signs, infection courts and the ways by which the decay is transmitted from mother trees to young regeneration are also reported. Trees of all age classes and size are susceptible to the stem decay regardless of whether they have developed heartwood or not. Also, sporophores of 14 larger fungi from the families Hymenochaetaceae, Polyporaceae, Ganodermataceae, Schizophylaceae, Corticiaceae and Xylariaceae were collected from various wood material of the tree species. 72 species of fungi were isolated from decay of standing trees, 12 of which were basidiomycetes and 60 were non-basidiomycctes. It was found that the decay is attributed to a number of fungi which infect and colonize the tree through a series of succession stages defined by the niches available in the decaying stems and by the roles of the fungi in such niches. Pioneering fungi of living sapwood were dominated by parasitic and facultative species which include Ophiostoma spp, Ceratocystis spp, Botryosphaeria ribis, Cylindrocarpon destructions, Cylindrodendrum album, Pestalotiopsis sp, Nodulisporium sp, Leptodontidium sp, some basidiomycetes and other fungi which could not be properly grouped because they had sterile mycelium among which was an important pathogenic fungus known here as ‘Sterile mycelium sp 3’. Possible pioneering fungi of the heartwood were the Alternaria sp, Paecilomyces lilacinus, Phoma sp (Coniothyriuni insigne), Penicillium spp and other unidentified conidial species. The secondary and climax fungi were dominated by basidiomycetes including Phellinus senex, and other conidial and sterile mycelium species. Phellinus senex, which has been widely reported earlier as a primary decay fungus of O. usambarensis, participates in the decay and becomes part of the decay-climax flora of the tree. However, it is not a primary decayer because it can not infect sapwood or heartwood which is un colonized by other fungi. Some selected fungi were used in pathogenicity tests and inoculated in sapwood and heartwood of healthy trees. The rate of infection of some fungi was variably affected by the moisture content and pH of the sapwood. Determination of the decay ability of some fungi was also conducted in vitro using wood blocks of O.usambarensis, and the fungi were also tested for the possession of phenoloxidase enzymes that can degrade gallic acid, tannic acid or lignin. Basidiomycetes were the most aggressive in terms of the rate and magnitude of decay but some non- basidiomycetes were also able to degrade the wood significantly. About 70% of the fungi tested possessed enzymes capable of degrading lignin which means they are white rot fungi. As most of these fungi have pH optima similar to that in the trees, this shows they function optimally in the stems and hence explains the formation of hollow stems in decay-affected trees. Factors which may affect fungal growth and their ability to cause decay in standing trees, such as temperature, pH and oxygen stress were evaluated in culture. It was found that environmental temperature and the pH in trees favour the growth of tire fungi, while oxygen stress seems to act as a factor imposing a selection pressure on fungi during succession by favouring tolerant species. Most fungi are mesophilic and the optimum temperature for most of them was within the average found in the forest environment, while their optimum pH was similar to that found in trees. It was also argued that the ability of Phellinus senex to tolerate anaerobic conditions was a major factor making it the main climax species of the decay and which later fruitify on standing trees with heartrot or butt rot. Comparing the flora of fungi attacking trees in the Usambara and Kilimanjaro forests, trees in the Usambara are infected by relatively more fungi. This is likely due to the climatic and edaphic conditions which are less optimal in the Usambara and hence predispose the trees to infection.Item Bio-mass inventory on the basis of terrestrial surveys and aerial photographs - Illustrated on the example of a Tanzanian Miombo Woodland.(Georg-August-Univerisitat Gottingen, 1997-07) Malende, Yusufu H.M.B.Item Basic density and some strength properties of pinus caribaea, pinus kesiya and pinus oocarpa grown in Katugo, Uganda(Sokoine University of Agriculture., 1998) Odokonyero, GeoffreyBasic density variations in and six 25-y-old properties strength three Pinus and their grown species in Katugo, Uganda were investigated. Six trees in each of Pinus caribaea and Pinus oocarpa and three in Pinus kesiya were selected, felled, billeted and test samples prepared according to standard methods. 3 diameter classes, each of the three species, 3 In axial positions and 4 radial positions (3 for basic density) were sampled. Basic density was determined by water displacement method. Tests of various strength properties were done in accordance with standard procedures. The data were analyzed using Statistical Analysis System (SAS) software. Results showed: The overall mean wood properties values were as follows: Basic density was 424.33, 431.37 and 444.37 kg/m3; Modulus of rupture was 54.51, 55.31 and 60.69 M/mm2; elasticity was Modulus of 3590.51, maximum load was M/mm2; 3752.240.033, and 3325.37 0.099 and 0.101 mmM/mm3; Maximum compression strength. was 33.33, 33.33 and 34.66 1'1/mm2; Maximum surencrtc. was 9-30 and 10.37 M/mm- and Cleavage was 11.79, 12.1c and 12.43 M/mm in camoasa.,- arciii Wood strength properties values determined were within range with properties of Pines grown in Kenya and Tanzania. Research findings suggest the possibilities for expanding investigated.the use the of three species The inner wood can be used for non- structural applications and the outer for structural purposes. There were no significant differences in all wood properties between the three species. Between trees statistically variation significant in wood in properties all the were species, indicating the potential of improving wood quality through selection. Growth rate had no significant difference on wood properties. Wood properties studied decreased significantly from stump upwards the stem and increased from pith outwards in the three species studied. Strength properties of the three Pinus species were strongly correlated to basic densityItem Impact of charcoal extraction on the miombo woodlands: The case of Kitulangalo area, Tanzania(Sokoine University of Agriculture, 2001) Zahabu, Eliakimu1‘liis study was carried out to determine the impact of charcoal extraction to the miombo woodlands of Kitulangalo area, near Morogoro. Tanzania. Both socio economic and ecological aspects of charcoal production were studied. While the socio-economic study involved interviewing 50% of charcoal makers in two villages of Gwata-Ujembc and Mascyu. ecological survey was done in Kitulangalo SUA Training Forest Reserve and the adjacent public lands. Systematic sampling design used in an inventory in 1996 was repeated in 1999 in order to determine current stand parameters and the forest change in general, including mean annual volume increment. A total of 46 sample plots were laid out in the forest reserve. In public lands stratified random sampling was applied where a total of 30 plots were laid at an interval of 500 m apart on three and two transects laid perpendicular to the access road and highway respectively at 0 km. 5 km. 10 km and 15 km interval. An average charcoal making household was found to produce 43 bags of charcoal per month. sold at Tshs. 1.000/= (USD 1.25 . 1 USD = Tshs. 800/- in 1999) per bag. The household realizes an income of Tshs. 43.000/= per month which is above the minimum salary rates paid currently to government workers and hence attracts more people to join the business. The kiln efficiencies were observed to range from 17.5% to about 30%. There is therefore a need to explore desirable ways of kiln preparation and carbonization that can improve kiln efficiencies right at the field and not from modern technologies which in most cases are expensive. The mean charcoal kiln efficiency was found to be 23%. Preferred tree species for charcoal making include: Jidhernadia globiflora. Hrachyxteyia boehmii. Tamarindux indica. Acacia nigrexcex. .■I. yerrardii. .1. ndolica. .1. yoetzei xubxp yoelzei. Combretum adenoyonium. C. moHe. C. zeyheri. ('. codinum. IJoxcia xaPtcifolia. Diplorhynchux condylocarpon. Pxeudolachnoxtylix maproiineifolia. Terminalia Dioxpyrox kirkii. Xeroderrix xtuhlmannii. mollix. Pteleopxix myrtifolia. Mimuxopx kummeL Albizia harvey. Lonchocarpux capaxxa and Lannen xchimperi. These species were having standing wood volume of 24.5 nr’ha’1 and 56.5 m’ha'1 in public lands and reserved forest respectively with corresponding basal area of 3.7 irrha’1 and 7.2 irrha’1 suggesting low biomass in public lands compared to reserved forest. Stem numbers were 909 stems ha’1 in public lands and 354 stems ha’1 in forest reserve showing a reversed trend compared to basal area and volume. This indicates more regeneration in public land following disturbance than in the forest reserve. The public lands at roadside are dominated by large trees of Acacia polyacantha. a pioneer tree species which is not preferred for charcoal making due to its hooked thorns and lighter charcoal which breaks easily during transportation. Other un-preferred tree species for charcoal making were Sterculia africana and Adanxonia digitata due to their low density charcoal. The Important Value Index (IVI). indicated that J. globijlora is the most important tree species in both public lands and reserved forest. The species is among the suitable tree species for charcoal making. The Index of Dominance (ID) was 0.092 and 0.065 in public lands and reserved forest respectively, indicating high species richness in forest reserve compared to the public lands. The Shannon-Wiener Index of Divers ity (H) calculated using natural logarithms were 2.9 and 3.13 in public land and reserved forest respectively, also suggesting high species diversity in forest reserve compared to the public lands. Considering a conversion factor of fresh wood volume to wood biomass of 0.85 and kiln efficiency of 23%. the weight of charcoal that can be extracted from the woodland at the roadside is 56 kgs of charcoal, equivalent to only one bag of charcoal per hectare. Similarly 54 bags may be expected al 5 km distance while 125 bags may be extracted from beyond 10 km from the highway. With the established stand growth rate of 2.3 in ’ha‘lyear’1 for the re-growth miombo woodland al Kilulangalo. charcoal production could be sustained al the levels observed at beyond 10 km away from the highway within felling cycles range of 8 to 15 years for degraded forest at 5 km away from the highway and at roadside.Item The Eastern arc mountain forests of Tanzania: Their role in biodiversity, wateresource conservation, and net contribution to atmospheric carbon.(North Carolina State University, 2001) Pantaleo, Munishi K. T.Mountain forests play major ecological and environmental roles. This study evaluated the roles of the Eastern Arc Mountain forests of Tanzania in conservation of biodiversity, water resources, and net contribution to atmospheric carbon. The major objectives were three-fold: (1) the classification and description of plant community composition, diversity patterns, and their environmental correlates, (2) assessment of biomass and carbon pool in the phytomass and soils, (3) assessment of rainfall interception throughfall, stemflow, streamflow, and their correlation with rainfall. Data on vegetation, topography, soils, and hydrology were collected from the Usambara and Uluguru ranges. Using cluster analyses, Non-metric Multidimensional Scaling (NMS) ordination, and indicator species analyses, five different plant communities were identified on each range. These communities were associated with two topographic and fourteen edaphic factors. Elevation was the strongest correlate of community composition in individual ranges, followed by several edaphic factors. Landform index and soil sodium concentration [Na] play major roles in separating plant communities between different mountain ranges. The proportions of rare species were high raising a conservation concern as to whether this is evidence of species’ declines or a biological characteristic. The forests have tremendous capacity for C storage both in the phytomass (517 ± 17 t ha’1 in the Usambaras and 384 ± 10 t ha’1 in the Ulugurus), and in the soil (420 ± 100 t ha’1 in the Usambaras and 290 ± 53 t ha’1 in the Ulugurus). Phytomass C was higher in mid elevation communities while high elevation communities had higher soil carbon, and total carbon. Rainfall interception was 23% in the Usambaras and 20% in the Ulugurus. Throughfall was more than 76% in both forests and stemflow was less than 2%. Streamflow was best modeled using three or more months running mean rainfall. The results suggest that plant community patterns in the Eastern Arc are associated with a complex of topographic and edaphic factors. This complex of factors is an important consideration in restoration and conservation programs. Attention to rare species is especially important. The forests havesubstantial capacity for carbon emission mitigation. The slow response in streamflow to rainfall events shows the efficiency of the forests to store water, mitigate storm water impacts by reducing runoff, delaying onset of peak flows, and ensuring constant water supplies.Item Gender roles in sustainable use and practices of medicinal plants in Urban Districts of Morogoro and Iringa Tanzania(Sokoine University of Agriculture., 2002) Augustino, SuzanaThis study was designed to assess the role played by gender in sustainable use and practices of medicinal plants, in urban districts of Morogoro and Iringa, Tanzania. Data were collected through social survey methods through interviews with herbalists (traditional healers and medicinal plant sellers) and key informants such as Forest extension officers and botanists. A list of medicinal plants given by each informant was compiled. The information gathered included local plant names, type of disease treated, parts of plant used, preparation methods, dosage and other aspects of medicinal plants including practices. The Statistical Package for Social Science Programme (SPSS) including content analysis, chi-square and logistic regression were used in data analysis. The results indicated that out of 246 and 177 medicinal plants recorded in Morogoro and Iringa urban districts respectively, only 108 and 88 were botanically identified. The recorded medicinal plants cure about 72 and 57 diseases and other complications in Morogoro and Iringa urban districts respectively. Male herbalists from the two districts prefer to use roots while female herbalists prefer to use barks. Most male and female herbalists usually harvest parts of medicinal plants outside their districts and traditionally prepare plant medicine using variety of methods like mixture of boiling and grinding. Dosages were not specific for most male and female herbalists and side effects were unknown. Significant differences were observed in the roles played by gender in sustainable use of medicinal plants. Most female than male supported much the idea of training in domestication of medicinal plants or establishment of community based woodlots and involvement in different research on medicinal plants. The medicinal plant practices were found to be gender dependent. While in Morogoro urban District men dominated the practice, in Iringa urban District women were dominant.iii dependent. While in Morogoro urban District men dominated the practice, in Iringa urban District women were dominant. From the results it is concluded that male and female herbalists arc very important people in providing primary health care to the urban societies. However, medicinal plant practices do not always depend on gender but are rather influenced much by social-economic and cultural factors that discourage women to participate fully. In order to integrate medicinal plants practices with the health care system in Tanzania it is recommended to; organize public awareness programmes to all herbalists to improve their understanding in aspects connected with medicinal plants and ensure sustainable use of the resources, sensitize most herbalists to change their altitude, start cooperating and pass their knowledge to young generations to sustain their traditional knowledge. Further studies arc recommended to domesticate the potential medicinal plants in home gardens, determine their efficacy and safe ways of administering medicinal plant.Item Comparison of dimensional stability of particle boards Manufactured in Tanzania and those imported from South Africa(2004) Gillah, P.R; Ishengoma, R.C; Deogratias, J; Kitojo, D.HDimensional stability properties of particleboard from Tembo Chipboard Ltd, located in Tanga, Tanzania and of those imported from South Africa were determined and compared. A total of 64 test samples, 32 from Tembo Chipboard Ltd and 32 from South Africa chipboard cut randomly from boards were used for the study. Prior to the determination of the dimensional stability, moisture content and basic density of boards were determined in accordance to EN 322 and EN 323 standards respectively. Determination of dimensional stability was based on water soak test, according to EN 317 standard. From the results, the basic densities of particleboard from Tembo Chipboard Ltd and those from South Africa were very similar at 687 and 671 kg/m3 respectively. Similarities in basic densities allowed for comparison of other properties. Thickness swelling and water absorption values of chipboards from Tembo Chipboard Ltd and S. Africa increased with increase in water immersion period. Comparatively, boards from Tembo Chipboard Ltd had lower thickness swelling and water absorption than boards from South Africa. Furthermore, less board damage due to water immersion was demonstrated by boards from Tembo Chipboard Ltd than those from S. Africa due to their low irreversible thickness swelling. The particleboards from Tembo Chipboard Ltd are more dimensionally stable than similar boards from S. Africa.Item The potential of afromontane rain forests to mitigate carbon emissions in Tanzania(2004-07-10) Maliondo, S. M.; Msanya, B. M.; Munishi, P. K. T.; Temu, R. P. C.One of the major ways of mitigating carbon emissions is by emission avoidance or conserving existing carbon (C) pools on the land through slowing deforestation or improved forest harvesting practices. Field measures of tree dimensions and chemical soil analysis for organic carbon were used to quantify the carbon (C) storage potential of three tropical montane rain forest ecosystems; one on the slopes of Mount Kilimanjaro and two (Usambara and Uluguru) in the Eastern Arc Mountains of Tanzania. The above ground and root carbon of trees ranged from 295±8 to 5/7 ± /7 o:'. The tree carbon storage was lowest in the Kilimanjaro forest (295±8 (SD) t h"), and highest in the Usambara forest (5/7 ± /7 (SD) t s'. The C storage in the Ulugurus was 388± /0 (SD) t «'. The soil carbon storage (/423.7 t h") in Kilimanjaro was significantly higher than that in tree biomass. On the other hand the soil carbon (4/8 ± /00 and 295 ± 53 t h") in the Usambara and Uluguru respectively) was significantly lower than the biomass carbon in both forests in the Eastern A rc forests. The potential of these ecosystems to act as carbon sink and mitigate greenhouse gas emissions is evident. This capacity for carbon storage. population pressure and the extensiveness of these forests in the region makes their conservation of global significance for carbon emission mitigation.Item The contribution of medicinal and wild food plants to the well-being of rural communities in Lindi rural district. Tanzania(Sokoine University of Agriculture, 2006) Salum, Mandalo AbeidA study was undertaken to assess the contribution of medicinal and wild food plants to the well-being of rural communities in Lindi Rural District, Tanzania. Structured and semi structured questionnaires and Participatory Rural Appraisal were used for socio-economic data collection. Systematic sampling design was used for the inventory of medicinal plants. wild food plants and other non-timber forest products. Statistical Package for Social Science Programme (SPSS), pair wise and preference ranking, content and structural methods were used in data analysis. It was found that medicinal and wild food plants contributed about 4% to household food security and 5.5% to household income. The percentage contribution of medicinal and wild food plants to the household food security and income seems to be small probably due to their low monetary value in Lindi. However, the study revealed that 79.7% of people in the study area relied on medicinal plants and SI.7% used wild plant foods. It was concluded that medicinal and wild food plants play a big role to the rural communities in Lindi Rural District but overharvesting of these plants especially the roots could endanger their sustainability in the forests. It is recommended that to ensure their sustainable supply, medicinal and wild food plants be domesticated and restrictions be formulated and enforced to minimize overharvesting of medicinal and wild food plants to enable sustainability of these plants in the forests. It is also recommended that medicinal plants be integrated with the modem health care systems as well as wild plant foods be integrated in the national food security programme. Also efforts should be made to add value to medicinal and wild food plants by developing and disseminating simple appropriate technologies for processing of these products. It was further recommended that more research be carried out on processing, marketing and domestication of these plants.Item Balancing wood and non-wood products in Miombo Woodlands(2007) Makonda, F. B. S.; Gillah, P. R.In most of the sub-Saharan countries including Tanzania, Mozambique, Malawi, Zimbabwe and Zambia, more than 80% of rural people are poor and traditionally rely on existing non-wood goods and services provided by miombo. These woodlands are among the most threatened of the tropical ecosystems. There is a need of investigating the importance of miombo ecosystem, their threats and the governments concerned to ensure sustainable and equitable use of these dwindling resources. This paper gives an overview of the roles played by miombo in the provision of both wood and non-wood products and how the utilization can be balanced for sustainability. It is evident that there has been limited research on miombo productivity and the impact of management on non-timber product supplies. This needs immediate attention in order to address the demand-supply situation. Also sustainable use of trees and shrubs is an integral part of balancing variable products and uses in miombo woodlands. Conservation of miombo while raising the living standard can be enhanced through controlled harvesting, improved domestication and utilization and commercialization of trees and their products.Item DIssemination and adoption status of agroforestry practices in Mufindi district, Iringa region, Tanzania(Sokoine University of Agriculture, 2008) Mgeni, Habib WallaceThe current study was carried out during September 2006 to March 2007 in six villages namely Sawala, Kisada, Ikongosi, Sao-Hill, Ihowanza and Igomaa in Mufindi District, Iringa Region, Tanzania. The objective of the study was to determine the extent of dissemination and adoption of Agroforestry by the local communities and indicate the mechanism of scaling up its performance. Specifically it checked on the current status of dissemination and adoption of agroforestry practices, identified Agroforestry systems, technologies, and woody perennials preferred by farmers, determined factors influencing adoption of Agroforestry systems, technologies and find out corrective measures required for improving their adoption by the local communities. The methods used include reconnaissance, social surveys using questionnaires on the household heads and checklists of probe questions on Government and NGOs officials at the various levels from village to the Regional. Data collected was analysed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) and Microsoft Excel Program (MEP). The results showed that the adoption status of Agroforestry in the district was 65%, although most of the people adopted during the latter 16 years. The main agents that spearheaded the dissemination process included CONCERN, HIMA and various government extension agents. The most adopted agroforestry systems are Agrosilviculture and Agrosilvopasture, with Taungya, Mixed intercropping, and Homegarden being the most widely adopted technologies. Woody perennials species that people currently have shown to prefer are Eucalyptus and Pines. Insufficiend provision of germplasm, land scarcity and limited knowledge indicated to be the main factors limiting dissemination and adoption of Agroforestry in Mufindi District. Based on the results and subsequent discussion it clear that although encouraging the adoption rate of Agroforestry in the district is still low. The study therefore recommends that the Government should continue with a stepped up provisioniii of the needed germplasm and propagation materials, farmers need encouragement in establishing their own nurseries, awareness creation especially in relation to inclusion of fertility improving and food producing trees and shrubs be stepped up, further research on the currently unclarified issues and dissemination of available knowledge should be scaled up by both the government and non governmental organisations.Item Physical and strength properties of azadirachta indica, (a. Juss) Growing in Morogoro, Tanzania(2008) Gillah, P.R; Augustino, S; Ishengoma, R.C; Nkomulwa, H.OPhysical and strength properties of Azadirachta indica growing in Morogoro, Tanzania were determined and the results compared with already known properties of timber of the same family. The properties determined included basic density, bending strength, stiffness, work to maximum load, total work, compression and shear parallel to the grain and cleavage strength. A total of 160 test samples were used from three trees randomly selected from the study area. Preparations of test samples, actual testing and determination of different properties were carried out following standard methods. All strength property values were adjusted to 12% moisture content. Results showed A. indica to have a mean basic density of 646 kg m- 3, classified as high density timber, comparable to that of Khaya anthotheca and Trichilia emetica from the same family. The overall strength properties of A. indica are lower compared to those of K. anthotheca and T. emetica, however, superior in terms of cleavage strength. Based on the studied properties, the species can successfully substitute K. anthotheca and T. emetica in uses which require high bending, cleavage and shear parallel to the grain strengths. A. indica wood is therefore recommended for uses other than fuel wood and poles such as making furniture, tool handles, artificial limbs, joinery and plywood.Item Properties of manilkara discolor (sond.) Hemsl.): A lesser–known Timber species from kilindi district Tanzania(2009) Gillah, P.R; Makonda, F.B.S; Kitojo, D.H; Ishengoma, R.C; Ussiri, N.EThis work was conducted to determine some physical and mechanical properties of Manilkara discolor, a lesser-known and lesser-utilized timber species from Kilindi District Tanzania. Three large trees free from visible defects were selected, felled and small sample pieces of 20 mm x 20 mm x 60 mm for compression, 20 mm x 20 mm x 20 mm for shear, 20 mm x 20 mm x 45 mm for cleavage and 20 mm x 20 mm x 300 mm for static bending, comprising 72 pieces for each test were prepared. The sample pieces were tested in laboratory using standard methods. The wood was brownish and attractive, fine textured with appealing figure and attaining good finish when plained. The results showed the species to have wood basic Density of 765 kg m -3 , Modulus of Elasticity of 14,341 N mm -2 , Modulus of Rupture of 119.48 Nmm -2 , Work to Maximum Load of 0.132 mm Nmm -2 and Work to Total Fracture of 0.284 mm Nmm -2 . The Compression parallel to grain was 41.69 Nmm -2 , Shear parallel to grain was 18.65 Nmm -2 and Cleavage Strength was 34.97 Nmm -2 . Manilkara discolor wood was found to have desirable values and can be used to substitute other species which are currently in danger of over-exploitation.Item Forest resource use conflicts as a consequence of pseudo- devolution of power: a case study of Pugu and Kazimzumbwi forest reserves, Tanzania(Sokoine University of Agriculture, 2009) Shabani, ZainabuThe Pugu and Kazimzumbwi forest reserves are among the 83 lowland coastal forests in Tanzania. The decentralization of these reserves can be called pseudo-devolution, because system does not allow for full participation of local government and villagers. This study intended to asses the devolution of power in historical perspective and the factors underlying it; identify types of forest resource use conflicts exist and factors underlying them; and asses existing and potential conflict resolution mechanisms. Qualitative data were analyzed using content and structural-functional analyses while quantitative data were analyzed using SPSS. For inferential statistical analysis, factors underlying forest resource use conflicts between users and regulators were quantified. The study found two types of forest resource use conflicts: between users and regulators and among users. Users and regulators conflict was reported as the major one and pseudo-devolution of power was among the major underlying factors. Perception on pseudo-devolution of power was found to have positive regression coefficient of 2.696 and significant (P=0.013) and high odd ratio of 14.813. Distance from resource base to market was also positive and significant (P=0.027). Ethnicity, education level, household size, and farm size had positive regression coefficient but not significant. The factors found to reduce forest resource use conflicts included distance from homestead to reserves which was negative and significant (P=0.017) and duration of residence which was negative but not significant (P=0.316). Furthermore the study found formal existing conflict resolution mechanisms include primary and district courts and potential formal conflict resolution mechanisms including JFMA. Informal potential conflicts resolution mechanisms include elders and religious groups. The study concludes that, forest resource use conflicts are largely a consequence of pseudo-devolution of power. Lastly, the study recommends, the need for full devolution of power, creating alternative income sources, operationalizing potential conflicts resolution mechanisms and institutional mix in management of natural resources.Item Timber potential value in the eastern-arc mountains, Tanzania: Nyanganje forest reserve(Sokoine University of Agriculture, 2009) Makero, Joseph SitimaThe study was conducted to determine the quantity of timber and extent of illegal timber harvesting in Eastern Arc Mountains. Data were collected using three techniques: desktop review which was used to collect information on timber stocks from two studies in EAMs while socio-economic and ecological surveys were employed to collect information on timber disturbances and timber stocks harvested illegally in NFR. Data analysis involved use of Microsoft excel and Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). A t-test analysis showed that, the EAMs have high potential in terms of timber tree stocks (p (t) = 0.047 d.f = 39) for stems per ha and (p (t) = 0.001 d.f = 39) for volume per ha). Also linear regression analysis showed that, extraction of timber trees in NFR mostly occurs illegally at the roadside (R 2 = 0.19, p = 0.015). A total of 135 600 000 stems and 74 400 000 m 3 (an equivalent of 0.6 m 3 per tree) composed of 180 different timber species were identified in EAMs. The major timber species contributed 47 000 000 m 3 (63%) of total wood volume. Taking the royalty and volume of each timber classes for indigenous and exotic species, the value of timber in EAMs was USD 5576 million. The harvestable timber was about USD 4461 million for trees sizes of greater than 40 cm DBH. The mean annual quantity of wood harvested illegally was estimated to be 6.2 m 3 per ha, of which 2.7 m 3 per ha was due to timber harvesting. If extraction is done in every hectare in NFR, each year the government could lose USD 0.36 million. Though the EAMs have high potential of timber species, this potentiality will be depleted if effective measures are not taken due to the fact that currently these forests are under pressure for timber extraction. The timber trees species thus need to be well managed and conserved, to ensure sustainability.Item The role of non wood forest products in improving livelihoods of communities surrounding Jozani and Chwaka Bay national park, Zanzibar.(Sokoine University Of Agriculture., 2010) Mkarafuu, Nassor SaidThe role of Non Wood Forest Products (NWFPS) In the communities This study was conducted to asses the role of Non Wood Forest Products (NWFPs) in improving livelihoods of the communities surrounding Jozani and Chwaka Bay National Park in Zanzibar. The study aimed to document, asses the status and contribution of NWFPs, identify roles of user groups and constraints towards development of NWFPs in the study area. Six villages were selected based on accessibility to the forests and availability of NWFPs. Study was conducted in two phases: Phase one involved preliminary surveys and Participatory Rural Appraisals. Phase two was questionnaire surveys with households, key informants and field inventory. Data on PRA were analyzed with the help of local communities, while Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) was used for questionnaires. Revenue accrued from different sources was computed in MS Excel. A total of 88 and 26 NWFPs plant and animal species respectively were recorded. NWFPs contribute 27 % of household’s food security, 32 % of income generation while 97 % of households rely for primary health care. The study revealed some constraints towards development of NWFPs. It is concluded that NWFPs contribute in improving livelihood of communities for subsistence, primary health care and income. The study also noted a decrease in NWFPs. It is concluded that gender roles has influence in collection, processing and marketing of NWFPs. It is recommended that information and training on NWFPs should be provided to the communities. Also utilization plan of NWFPs should be developed and collaboration between government and communities is needed to improve protection of the resoures.Item Comparison of productivity, cost and energy expenditure when sawing on pitsawing and portable platforms In agroforestry farms in Kilimanjaro(Sokoine University of Agriculture, 2011) Rurangwa, Felix AnversAlthough future increase in timber supply in many countries is expected to come from agroforestry, the problem of on farm timber sawing, physical strain on sawyers caused by “Pitsawing” has to be addressed, to increase timber sawing productivity. This study was aimed at analyzing the productivity and energy expenditure by sawyers when using Traditional Pitsawing Platforms (PSP) and Portable Steel Log Sawing Platforms (PLSP) in agroforestry farms in Kiruweni and Nduweni villages in South Kilimanjaro. Pitsawing productivity data was obtained using time studies of the pitsawing operations on the respective platforms and data on energy expenditure was obtained through heart rate measurements using heart rate monitor. Results indicated that the site preparation production rate, using PSP, was 0.1m 3 /h and the structure assembling production rate, using PLSP, was 2.9m 3 /h. The skidding production rate, using PSP, was 3.5m 3 /h and the production rate, using PLSP, was 11.9m 3 /h. Loading productivity improved from 4.97m 3 /h, using PSP, to 7.27m 3 /h, using PLSP. Productivity of sawing work element improved from 0.055m 3 /h, using PSP, to 0.057m 3 /h, using PLSP. In sawing, Energy Expenditure (EE) was 12.69kJ/min and 12.4 kJ/min using PSP and PLSP respectively. During pit excavation/structure assembling, EE was 14.05kJ/min, using PSP, and 2.61kJ/min using PLSP. The physical workload was classified as unduly heavy for PSP and light for PLSP. For the skidding work element, the EE decreased from 5.88kJ/min, using PLSP to 4.48kJ/min, using PSP. For the loading work element, the EE was decreased from 5.20kJ/min, using PSP to 3.55kJ/min, using PLSP. The sawing cost was TAS 205 320/m 3 , using PSP and TAS165 350/m 3 , using PLSP. In conclusion, PLSP is a technically more appropriate technology for reducing EE and sawing costs as well as increasing productivity during timber harvesting in agroforestry farms.Item Medicinal resources of the Miombo woodlands of Urumwa, Tanzania: Plants and its uses(Journal of Medicinal Plants Research, 2011) Augustino, S.; Hall, J. B.; Makonda, F. B. S.; Ishengoma, R. C.A study was done to document different plants and their use for primary health care by communities around the Miombo woodland of Urumwa, Tanzania. Data collection was based on semi-structured interviews and discussion with key stakeholders. G-tests were carried out to seek differences in ethnobotanical knowledge between women and men. 110 plant species were documented to have 74 medicinal uses. Men were found to be ethnobotanically knowledgeable than women. The ethnobotanical knowledge of medicinal plant resources at Urumwa need to be recognized and preserved to ensure future effectiveness of the primary health care system. Due to the global interest in medicinal plants, there is a need to carry out phytochemical and pharmacological studies for most unstudied but potential documented species to validate usage, find new pharmaceuticals, increase confidence among users and contribute to the developlent of the traditional medicine sector in Tanzania and other areas in Africa within the Miombo ecoregion.
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