Assessment of farmers perceptions on the status of astripomoea hyscamoides (Kongwa weed) invasiveness in central Tanzania
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ournal of Plant Sciences and Agricultural Research
nterference of land use by weeds particularly in grazing and crop lands has
increasingly reduced the agriculture productivity. In this article, we assess
farmers’ and other key stakeholders’ perception on the status of A. hyscamoides
invasiveness in terms of effects and possible control approaches. A combination
of three Focused Group Discussions, interviews with 10 key informants and 90
household through systematic random sampling techniques were used to collect
data on farmer’s perception about the weed effects and possible control measures.
Results indicated that the weed cover has increased for the past 5 years. The
majority of the farmers (75%) agree that the weed has negative effects while 25%
of the farmers considered it to have both positive and negative consequences-
the positive impact related to the fact that the weed can serve as feed. Similarly
farmers were also aware of the source of spread which includes animals such
as cattle and high rainfall. On the other hand, findings revealed little initiative
toward control of the weed. However, farmers were positive to contribute
towards the control of the weed through sustainable land management strategies
or integrated weed management approaches, if relevant technical assistance is
offered. In addition, there is a need of baseline data for monitoring the direction
of spread and abundance in order to strategically control further invasions and
select appropriate management options in the already affected areas.
Research Article
Invasive species, Astripomoea Hyscamoides, Kongwa weed
Nkombe B, Sangeda A, Sibuga K, Hermansen J (2018) Assessment of Farmers Perceptions on the Status of Astripomoea Hyscamoides (Kongwa Weed) Invasiveness in Central Tanzania. J Plant Sci Agri Res. Vol.2 No.1:11