Potentials of lesser known and lesser utilized indigenous agroforestry timbers in Kilosa District, Morogoro Tanzania
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International Journal of Education and Research
The paper presents baseline results of gathered important information for inference in establishing optimal production and utilization of Lesser-known (LK) and Lesser-utilized (LU) indigenous agroforestry timber species (IAGTS) in improving incomes of rural communities in Kilosa District. The main key questions were: what are the characteristics of the sites for establishing LK and LU IAGTS; who are the main actors in establishing LK and LU IAGTS; what are LK and LU IAGTS and other species for establishment in the study area and what are the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats for establishing LK and LU IAGTS in the study area. Data collection was participatory, involving key stakeholders, participants’ observations and literature surveys. A total of eight villages were identified as potential sites for nursery establishment with seven main actors’ mostly local communities engaged in tree planting activities under associations. Five priority LK and LU IAGTS were identified and selected for nursery establishment. These were: Lonchocarpus capassa (Mfumbili), Sclerocarya birrea (Mng’ongo), Vitex doniana (Mfudu), Pseudolachnostylis maprouneifolia (Msolo) and Combretum zeyheri (Mlama mweupe). The strengths and opportunities favouring the establishment of LK and LU IAGTS nurseries were identified, with a few weaknesses and threats which needed to be worked upon.
International Journal of Education and Research 2015: Vol 3(12)
Lesser-known agroforestry timber, Actors, Kilosa District, Tanzania