Forest management plan for implementation of a Pilot redd+ project for masito community forest Reserve, kigoma, tanzania for 2012-2017: review of Previous management plan

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Motivation/Background: Forest management planning is an important con- dition for ecologically sustainable and economically ef icient forest use. The current paper presents review of previous forest management plan for imple- mentation of a pilot REDD+ project for Masito Community Forest Reserve, Kigoma, Tanzania for the period 2012-2017. Method: The work mainly involved review of relevant documents enriched by discussions with project management. Results: The description of the review is presented under twelve major sec- tions, namely: 1. review of previous forest management plan document; 2. objectives of the previous forest management plan; 3. achievements in imple- menting the previous forest management plan; 4. challenges encountered dur- ing the implementation of the previous plan; 5. factors that affected the imple- mentation of the previous forest management plan; 6. survey of existing for- est resources; 7. forest reserve management activities; 8. human resources for forest reserve management; 9. forest adjacent communities; 10. marketing and initiatives for revenue generation; 11. inter-sectoral linkages and co-operation, and; 12. inancial resources for management of the forest reserve. Conclusions: The review was the basis for the activities planned for the for- est for 2012-2017. Also, the review should be used as baseline information for assessment of achievement of the planned activities.


Journal Article


REDD+, Forest Management Plan, Baseline, Achievements, Challenges
