Iodine status of pregnant and lactating women in Arusha municipality
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Sokoine University of Agriculture
A cross-sectional study was carried out to determine iodine status of pregnant and
lactating women in Arusha Municipality. Urine and salt samples were collected from
a total of 429 respondents who were visiting Themi and Ngarenaro Reproductive and
Child Care clinics. A structured questionnaire was used to collect socio-economic
and demographic information from respondents and also wholesale and retail salt
traders to ascertain their knowledge about iodised salt and IDD. Results revealed
that, overall median UIC for pregnant women (33%) was 205 μg/l (95% CI; 26.7%,
39.2%), and lactating women (22.8%) was 155.5 μg/l (95% CI; 17.1%, 28.4%).
Median UIC for pregnant women (62.9%) in Themi was 122 μg/l (95% CI; 46.6%,
79%), while median UIC for lactating women (28.2%) was 178.1 μg/l (95% CI;
20.8%, 35.5%). The median UIC for pregnant women (36.5%) at Ngarenaro was
233.9 μg/l (95% CI; 29.5%, 43.4%), while median UIC for lactating women (39.2%)
was 123.5μg/l (95% CI; 27.6%, 50.7%). The recommended UIC for pregnant and
lactating women range of 150-249 μg/l indicate adequate iodine intake. These results
suggested that, those pregnant women from Themi ward had mild iodine deficiency
while the lactating women had optimal iodine intake. Pregnant women from
Ngarenaro ward had adequate iodine intake while for lactating women had mild
iodine deficiency. About 34% (95% CI; 23%, 44%) of pregnant women had UIC
above recommended safety levels of >500 μg/l which suggested that, pregnant
women might have excessive iodine intake. Likewise, 15% (95% CI; 3%, 33%) of
lactating women had UIC levels above the recommended levels of >500 μg/l
suggesting that, lactating women could also be taking excessive iodine. Excessive
intake iodine could be due to increased iodine intake from foods due to high levels ofiodine in salt used in cooking. It was concluded from the study that, most
respondents had adequate iodine intake. However, 34% and 15% of pregnant and
lactating women, respectively, had excessive iodine intake. There is a need to re-
examine iodation levels to comply with the WHO recommended levels of 40 ppm at
factory. Further studies involving large population groups should be done to ascertain
the looming risk of iodine toxicity among pregnant and lactating women.
Lactating women, Arusha municipality, Iodised Salt
Marealle, R. (2011). Iodine status of pregnant and lactating women in Arusha municipality. Morogoro: Sokoine Univesity of Agriculture.