Impact of climate variability and change adaptation strategies on technical efficiency of sorghum production in Manyoni District, Tanzania

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Tanzania Journal of Agricultural Sciences


Climate variability and change adaptation strategies are increasingly becoming fundamental for improving efficiency in agricultural production in Tanzania and elsewhere in developing countries. However, empirical evidence on how adaptation strategies improve agricultural technical efficiency on drought resistant varieties like sorghum is inadequate in Tanzania. This study was conducted to address this knowledge lacuna in the literature. With cross-sectional research design, we used a household survey to collect data from 330 randomly selected household heads. A Cobb- Douglas stochastic frontier model was used to determine the impact of adaptation strategies on technical efficiency of sorghum production. Farmers adapted a number of strategies including drought tolerant crops, conservation agriculture, drainage system, early maturing crops, use of hired labour, resistant livestock breeds, membership in farmer organizations, access to extension services, and access to credit to cushion climate variability and change impact. Six strategies including use of drought tolerant crops, drainage systems, conservation agriculture, membership in farmer organizations, access to extension services and access to credit showed significant impact on technical efficiency of sorghum production at 5% level of significance. Such strategies were effective in improving technical efficiency of sorghum production. However, about half of the respondents were less efficient. Therefore, farmers’ adaptation strategies were indisputably essential in semi-arid environments like Manyoni district. Nevertheless, a policy to heighten use of the effective farmers’ adaptation strategies to cushion climate variability and change impact should be devised and effectively executed to strengthen farmers’ efficiency.


Research article


Adaptation strategies, climate variability, climate change, sorghum production, technical efficiency.
