Evaluation of on-farm cassava processing and its implication on marketing and farmer’s income: a case of Coast region

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Sokoine University of Agriculture


On-farm processing for agricultural produces is becoming more important in the economies of most developing countries like Tanzania. This study aimed at evaluating the potential of on-farm processing in increasing farmers’ income in developing economies using cassava in Coast Region as a case. Specifically the study determines economic viability of on-farm cassava processing technology. Primary data were collected through a cross section survey of 100 farmers using a structured questionnaire. Descriptive analyses were used to describe the respondents’ characteristics. Gross Margin Analysis was conducted to estimate relative profitability of two different processing technologies in a view of ascertaining their appropriateness and effectiveness. The results show that, flour processing is a more profitable technology than chips processing. Regression analysis was used to investigate the relationship between processing technology and marketability of cassava products, results showed that processing has negative relation with marketability of cassava products implying that those farmers who process have a low possibility of accessing market. Independent sample t-test was employed to compare income generated by farmers from the main processing technologies and those who sell raw cassava, however the results showed that raw cassava in Coast Region has a significant impact on increasing farmer’s income than on-farm processing of chips and flour. The study also found that there are several problems that hinder prosperity of on-farm processing, these include lack of reliable markets, few processing facilities and poor packing facilities. This case study clearly suggests that on-farm flour processing is more important in generating household income than chips production. The study recommends that the government should educate the use of processed cassava and expand flour production in areas growing cassava by investing in providing processing services to farmers together with finding the way of increasing processed cassava price as one way of improving farmer’s income and reduce poverty.


Masters Dissertation


Cassava processing, Farmer’s income, Coast region
