The role of mobile phones in the development of improved chicken farming business by women in Misungwi district, Tanzania
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Sokoine University of Agriculture
This current study on the role of mobile phone in the development of improved chicken
farming business by women was carried out in Misungwi District, Mwanza Region Tanzania
from April to July, 2022. Two divisions, namely Usagara and Misungwi were selected and
from each division two wards were involved, while from each ward two villages participated
in the study. The study aimed at establishing the role of mobile phone in the development of
improved chicken farming business by women with reference to Misungwi District.
Specifically, the study intended to asses socio-economic factors influencing women’s use of
mobile phones in the improved chicken farming business information, determining the
accessibility of improved chicken farming business information to women
improved chicken farmers through mobile phones, establishing the extent of mobile
phone usage by women in communicating information on improved chicken farming
business and analyzing the type of information improved chicken farmers seek through
mobile phones along the value chain in the study area. A cross-sectional research design
with mixed approach that is quantitative and qualitative was employed. Data were collected
from 120 respondents. A questionnaire, Focus Group Discussion, Key Informant Interviews
and documentary review were used to collect data. Quantitative data were analyzed using a
Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 20 software, while qualitative data
were analyzed using content analysis. Binary logistic regression model was applied to
assess socio-economic factors influencing women in using mobile phones to communicate
improved chicken farming business. Firstly, the finding shows that socio-economic factors
such as age, education level and occupation significantly influence the use of mobile phone
in the improved chicken farming business information level. Secondly, bandwidth costs
fluctuation and poor mobile phone network limited women in the accessibility of improved
chicken farming business information such as availability of chicks, market and
transportation in the study area.. Lastly, majority of the respondents use mobile phone to
seek information from different stakeholders involved in the improved chicken farming
business. Based on the findings of the study, Diffusion of innovation Theory is in conformity
with this current study. However, women improved chicken farmers experienced several
challenges such as market price fluctuation, poor connection between farmers and financial
institutions and extension officers and veterinary officers were not working with farmers
closely. The study thus recommends the District Council making campaigns on increasing
the number of women engaged in farming improved chicken for business as its high
agenda.. Also, the study recommends the Misungwi District authority to collaborate with
mobile phones companies to increase the number of networks and advise them to have
stability of bundle prices affordable to the farmers, andthe Misungwi District Council authority
needs to remind the extension and veterinary officers to increase their effort in reaching and
assisting the farmers than it is at the present. Furthermore, studies should be done on such
areas as collaboration between farmers, Government, Public organization and other stake
holders on helping women improved chicken farmers to use mobile phones in their business
in order to improve their livelihood.
mobile phone, chicken farming, Misungwi district, chicken business, value chain