Land use changes along wildlife corridors and their implications to conservation: a case of Saadani-Wami-Mbiki Wildlife corridor, Tanzania
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Sokoine University of Agriculture
Wildlife corridors are facing conservation threats as a result of land use changes within
and along them. The understanding of changes happening in the corridors over time is
important for establishing the management baseline data. This study aimed at identifying
land use changes along Saadani-Wami-Mbiki wildlife corridor and their implications to
wildlife conservation. Specifically the study determined the rate of land cover changes in
the corridor between 1975 and 2011 and assessed the associated land use practices
towards corridor land cover change. Land sat imageries of 1975. 1995 and 2011 were used
to assess the rate of vegetation cover changes as a result of various land use practices
carried out in the corridor. Household survey and key informants interview methods were
used to obtain socio-economic data which were analysed using SPSS while satellite
imagery data were analysed using the ER.DAS IMAGINE 9.1 and ArcGIS 9.3
programmes. In the past 36 years (1975-2011). the cultivated land increased by 25%,
settlement by 13%, open forest by 10% while closed forest and grassland decreased by
18% and 3% respectively. Shifting cultivation, over grazing, charcoal making and
settlements were identified as major land use practices threatening the corridor. Basing on
the results, it is recommended that, deliberate measures are needed to address about
poverty of local communities around the corridor. Among the potentials include ecological
and cultural tourism and beekeeping.
Masters Thesis
Land, Wildlife, Conservation, Saadani - Wami - Mbiki