Marketing and processing constraints that affect agrofood exports: a case study of cashewnut in Tanzania

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Sokoine University of Agriculture


This study aims to examine the processing and marketing constraints that affect exports of cashewnut sector in Tanzania. The overall objective was to examining marketing and processing constraints that affect cashewnut exports. The specific objectives were to assess the cashewnut situation before and after cashewnut sector reform in relation to the market demand, identify marketing and processing constraints that affects cashewnut exports and finally, suggest possible measures to overcome marketing and processing constraints affects cashewnut exports. The study used time series data for 24 years on cashewnut production, producer price, export price of raw nuts, exports of raw nuts and processed kernel. The data were collected from CBT, various publications were also reviewed and informal interview were held to obtain qualitative information. The data were analysed using SPSS, correlation coefficients of variables under study were estimated using Bivariate-Pearson method whereby relationships between variables before and after sector reform were established. The study revealed that export quality, producer and export price are factors that mostly affects exports. The results shows a negative and insignificant (P>0.05) correlation between producer and export price of raw cashewnut before and after the reform. Lower correlation (about 6%) existed between producer price and total production before the reform. However, correlation between the same variables were fortified (about 12%) after the reform (P>0.05). Negative correlation between export price of raw cashewnut and total exports before the reform existed, however, a positive and insignificant (P>0.05) correlation existed between the same variables after the reform. Based on the findings, measures should be taken to develop strategies to encourage formation of farmers’ groups. This is a priority for the following reasons: improved marketing of raw nuts, price and input supply; potential processing activities; convenient and efficient points of entry for extension; and credit availability/accessibility and assurance of good export quality.


Masters Dissertation


Agrofood exports, Cashewnut, Tanzania
