Adoption of cassava processing and utilization technologies: A case of Mtwara rural and Newala districts, Mtwara region

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Sokoine University of Agriculture.


The study was conducted on adoption of cassava processing and utilization technologies in Mtwara region. The main objective of the study was to determine the status of cassava processing and utilization technologies in Mtwara region. Structured questionnaire and Focus Group Discussion (FGD) were used to collect information from cassava fanners. Random sampling was used to draw respondents for interview. Sample size was 120. Descriptive statistics, logistic regression and gross margin were used for data analysis. Results revealed that, both traditional and improved cassava processing technologies were used by respondents. It was found that 77% of the respondents used traditional cassava processing methods and about 17% were using both traditional and improved processing technologies. Also, the findings showed that, institutional support to farmers was an important factor in adopting improved cassava processing technologies by farmer groups. The coefficient of the institutional support was statistically significant at 0.05 probability level. Age of respondents, occupation and marital status of respondents were not statistically significant. Gross margin analysis showed that improved cassava processing technologies contributed relatively high to households income with a gross margin of Tsh 78 400 per tonne when compared to traditional processing methods with a gross margin of Tsh 11 774 per tonne of fresh roots processed to flour. This study recommends that, the government and other agricultural stakeholders need to promote and educate fanners on the importance of improved cassava processing and utilization technologies to human health, food security and poverty alleviation. In order to improve market of cassava products, the government should promote and encourage food processing industries to use cassava as an ingredient in some of food products to increase the demand for cassava products and accelerate the adoption of improved cassava processing technologies.




Cassava Processing, Utilization Technologies, Mtwara Rural, Newala Districts, Mtwara Region
