Establishing the potential of mango value chain as a source of income in Urambo district, Tanzania
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Sokoine University of Agriculture
A study was conducted in Urambo District from mid 2009 to mid 2010 to identify
challenges to production of mango; assess the contribution of mango to the HH income
and to compare the net income between the producers and traders. Secondary data were
collected from District Council Offices, SNAL and internet. Purposive sampling was used
to select 10 villages based on potential for mango production. A random sample of 260
mango producers and 40 traders who sell mangoes at the markets of Urambo, Tabora and
Dodoma were selected for interview. The cross sectional data were collected analysed
descriptively and hypotheses tested. Results show that challenges facing mango industry
include poor unreliable markets, lack of fruit processing, poor credit, absence of
commercial varieties, pests and diseases and poor transportation. Regression of socio-
economic variables on mango income showed that mango production experience, mango
trees owned and land size significantly add to mango income (P<0.01) whereas labour size
and education level reduce the income (P<0.1) and the proxy for post harvest loss
significantly reduce mango income (P<0.01). While currently tobacco adds 47% to total
HH income, mango contributes 7 %, but if mango market clears its contribution triples to
21%. Furthermore access to more urban markets such as Dodoma triples the income from
mango again to 60% and overtakes tobacco. The hypotheses tested showed significant
difference in net gain per sack between traders and producers (P<0.05). The study
concluded that mango is a potential source of income if efficiently exploited. So the
government and NGOs should improve advisory on the crop husbandry, transportation and
sensitize fruit processing to make products such as dried mangoes, pickles, juice and jam3
in order to improve farmers access to expanding market.
Mango production, HH income, Producers, Urambo District, Traders
Mkenda F.M(2011)Establishing the potential of mango value chain as a source of income in urambo district, tanzania. Morogoro; Sokoine university of agriculture. Mkenda Florentine Msafiri