Gender dimensions on agricultural input voucher system in Songea district
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Sokoine University of Agriulture
The study examined the gender dimensions on agricultural input voucher system in
Songea District The main objective of the study were to establish the effect of
agricultural input voucher system (TVS) on gender dimensions of agricultural input
subsidy in Songea District The study used a cross-sectional design and data were
collected using a questionnaire and key informant interviews. The study population
comprised of farm households of Songea District The sampling frame consisted of
smallholder fanners who were growing maize for more than two seasons prior to data
collection. A simple random sample of 120 respondents were picked using a table of
random numbers from four villages that were randomly selected from a list of potential
maize growing divisions in Songea District Furthermore, the research findings showed
that the proportion of fanners using agricultural input voucher system had declined after
the inception of input voucher system. The findings also showed that the low purchasing
power, unavailability of inputs on time and lack of credit were the main factors limiting
accessibility of inputs to farmers. Farmers and extension workers perceived the
agricultural input voucher system as being better compared to its performance before the
inception of voucher system due to the following reasons (i) supply of inputs was reliable
(ii) the farmers are getting inputs at subsidized prices (iii) quantities of inputs supplied at
a time formally were inadequate (iv) input supplies has been increased (v) inputs are
accessible to farmers throughout the season. Recommendations pertaining to this study
are presented in chapter five.
Gender, Agricultural, Voucher, Songea, Gender Dimension, Agricultural Input Voucher system