Economic valuation of recreation use value of Kilimanjaro National Park, Tanzania.

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Sokoine University of Agriculture


Tanzanian authorities managing environmental resources and services have made efforts to set the fees to access their resources. However still there is scanty information on the pricing strategy that consider both the value of the resources and the consumer’s perception on quality of services. This study focused on using Travel Cost Method to value recreation in Kilimanjaro National Park. Data were collected using questionnaire survey, key informants interviews and secondary materials. The questionnaire used for survey was designed to capture socio - demographic variables of visitors, travel cost component variable and data on visitor’s perception on the quality of services provided during a visit to KINAPA. With the sample size of 384, the data generated from the survey was modeled with Poisson model. Based on this econometric results, consumer surplus per day of stay in the park was 925 182 TZS (USD 571.10), the mean visitor willingness to pay per day of a visit was 837 280.80 TZS (USD 516.84), the total recreation value of the park was estimated to be 314 165 955 200 TZS (USD 193 929 602) per one calendar year and the revenue maximizing entry fee for the park was estimated to be 90 396 TZS (USD 55.8). Moreover, the findings indicated that variables such as travel costs, available recreation income, age, employment status and the quality perception were significant and have an influence on the number of days a visitor stays in the park. More economic valuation research on recreation use value is recommended to other National Parks since clear understanding of the value of existing natural resource trigger the proper management and allocation of resources.


Master of Science in Environmental and Natural Resources Economics


Economic valuation, Kilimanjaro National Park-Tanzania, Recreation use value-National park
