Productivity of newly released maize varietiesby fertilizer application in Moshi Ruraldistrict, Kilimanjaro Region
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Sokoine University of Agriculture
In Northern Tanzania, yield of maize ranges between 0.5 – 0.8 t ha -1 compared with the yield
potential of 4–6 t ha -1 under research conditions resulting to yield gap of 5.2 t ha -1 . Major cause of
low maize yield is low soil fertility due to insufficient use of fertilizers. A study was undertaken
at Miwaleni (3o 25 ́ 30 ́ ́S and 37o 26 ́ 45 ́ ́ E) to determine the productivity of newly
released maize varieties by fertilizer application in maize growing area of Moshi rural
districtin Kilimanjaro region. Soils sampleswere collected from the experimental site. The
objective of the study was to determine the response of maize yield on Nitrogen (Urea),
Phosphorus (DAP, Minjingu Mazao, NPK cereal) fertilizers.The first experiment was
conducted as split plot design in randomized completete block layout replicated three
times. The factors were maize varieties (Situka MI, Meru HB 513 and Faru HB) while
subplot factors were fertilizers types namely; DAP, at 62kg Pha -1 , Minjingu Mazaoat 71kg
P ha -1 and NPK Cereal at 124kgP ha -1 . The second experiment was conducted as split split
plot design in randomized completete blocklayout replicated three times. In the second
experiment main and subfactor comprised four levels that were nitrogen ratesnamely;
Nitrogen at 37.5, 50, 62.5 kg N ha -1 and no fertilizer application. Results obtained from the
site, showed that the three phosphatic fertilizers applied, top dressed with respective
nitrogen levels produced highly significant (P<0.001) grain yield over the control. Also
Meru HB 513 and Faru HB produced highly significant (P<0.001) yield results than
Situka M1 variety. Overal, the study results indicated that Minjingu Mazao and NPK
fertilizers top dressed with nitrogen rates at 50kg Nha -1 and 62.5kg Nha -1 when applied on
maize varieties (Meru HB 513, Faru HB) are the best strategies in improving maize grain
yield in the study area.
A Dissertation 2019
Maize productivity, Newly released maize, Maize varieties, Fertilizer application, Moshi Rural district, Kilimanjaro Region