Nutritional and sensory quality of extruded peanuts-soybeans-cassava composite flakes for rehabilitating acutely malnourished children

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Sokoine University of Agriculture


This study was conducted to evaluate the nutritional and sensory quality of extruded peanuts-soybean-cassava composite flakes for rehabilitating acutely malnourished children. The product was formulated from peanuts, soybeans and cassava flour to achieve the desired levels of protein and energy as recommended by FAO/WHO/UNU. The peanuts-soybeans-cassava mixture was extruded to flakes which were then analyzed for nutritional and sensory qualities. Results showed that, extruded peanut-soybeans-cassava composite flakes had good quality due to their ability to support growth in rats with good PER value of 2.32 and true protein digestibility of 93.99%. The nutrient composition of peanuts-soybeans-cassava flakes per 100 g was as follows: protein content-(14.28 g), carbohydrate-(25.45 g), crude fat content-(32.27 g), ash-(5.16 g), and crude fibre content-(22.89 g). Mineral composition of peanuts-soybeans-cassava flakes per 100 g was as follows: phosphorous-(427.8 mg), selenium-(8.24 mg), lead-(1.02 mg), copper-(1.74 mg), iron-(30 mg), zinc-(12.14 mg), calcium-(713.42 mg), magnesium-(367.3 mg), potassium-(703.95 mg) and sodium-(118.6 mg). Extruded ready-to-eat peanuts-soybeans-cassava composite flakes had good sensory quality and were highly acceptable. It was concluded based on the results that, peanuts-soybeans-cassava composite flakes can be used as a therapeutic food for rehabilitating under-nourished children much the same as the plumpy nut. It is therefore recommended that, the product needs more research on shelf life and evaluation of anti-nutritional factors and microbial quality before it can be routinely used to rehabilitate undernourished children.



Peanuts, Soybeans, Cassava flour, Cassava composite, Protein energy, Flakes rehabilitating, Malnourished children, Peanuts-soybean-cassava composite flakes
