Adoption and impact of treadle pump on farm productivity: A case of Mbarali District, Mbeya Region

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Sokoine University of Agriculture


This study was undertaken with a view of assessing factors determining adoption of treadle pump and how it impacts farm productivity in Mbarali district, Mbeya region. The specific objectives were: to identify factors determining adoption of treadle pump; analysing financial and economic performance; examining relationship between treadle pump adoption and farm productivity; determining whether treadle pump complements adoption of other improved technologies and finally to make suggestions on sustainable usage and dissemination of the treadle pump. Nature of the study was descriptive and exploratory involving both primary and secondary data. Prior to data collection, rapid rural survey was conducted. Purposive and simple random sampling techniques were employed to get adopters and non-adopter of treadle pump. The study employed Probit model, Cobb- Douglass production function, Chi-square and gross margin as analytical tools for addressing the specific objectives. Analytical results showed that, household size and presence of male members in a household have a positive influence on adoption of treadle pump. Such an observation reflects labour intensity of the treadle pump where the technology is more suited to man. On the other hand increased education, age and income reduce the chances of adoption. At farm level, treadle pump contributes to farm productivity and has positive gross margin. Results indicated that, adoption of treadle pump has complemented adoption of insecticide used at farm level. From the survey, treadle pump is associated with vegetable grown year round and agro-pastoral fanning system. From the study findings it is recommend that, manufacturing of the treadle pump be improved to avoid gender biasness associated with the present model, which is labour intensive. Current distribution channel should be improved to insure that, product reach the end users. The project should be replicated to other areas with similar conditions and neediii of addressing poverty. Policy makers should recognize and orient resources towards the technology as one with potentials of improving crop production and alleviating poverty among the smallholder farmers in Tanzania.




Tread pump, Mbarali District, Mbeya, Farm productivity
