Gender and household food security situation in Chagga homegardens: a case study of Rombo district
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Sokoine University of Agriculture
The study was conducted in Rombo District in Kilimanjaro Region, Tanzania. The objective of the study was to assess gender and household food security situation in
Chagga homegardens. A multistage sampling was employed to obtain a sample of 100 respondents. Primary data were obtained through personal observation,
administering of structured questionnaire and focus group discussion. Secondary data was obtained from District Agriculture and Livestock Development Office and from
Sokoinc University of Agriculture Library, Morogoro. Data were analysed by using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) computer program. The results of the
study showed that homegarden crops contribute 67.7%, livestock 29.0% and homegarden trees 3.6% of the income from homegardens. In total the homegardens
contributed 53.1% of the average household income while other sources were off-farm activities 35.9% and from open field farm was 11.0%. The homegardens
contained about 27 species of food crops of which 12 species arc reported by more than 70% respondents that are in danger of disappearing More than 65% of the
households in the study area were food insecure. Female-headed households were more vulnerable to food insecurity than male-headed ones. Socio-economic factors
such as income, size of open field farm, level of education, sex and age of the head of household influence household food security significantly at (P< 0.05). The study
also found that gender division of labour subjects women to high workload, which might influence household food security. Decisions on various production and
expenditure of household resources were mostly done by men and this influences household food security. The study conclude that Household food security is
significantly (P<0.05) influenced with socio-economic factors such as average income, main occupation, sex, age and level of education of the household head, and
socio-cultural factors. It is recommended that the government through its policy makers and the development planners should recognise and promote the role of
women as producers and providers of food to the household. Analysis of food security situation and type of production system need to be carried out in various
regions in order to suggest mechanisms for improving food security over time. Government assistance is needed to sensitise people to shift to areas with plenty of
land for crop cultivation.
MSc. Dissertation in Management of Natural Resources and
Sustainable Agriculture.
Food security, Gender, Homegardens, Rombo district