Insect abundance and food intake by agama mwanzae in Serengeti national park, Tanzania
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Sokoine University of Agriculture
The kopjes of Serengeti National Park, can be considered to be an understudied ecosystem
although harbours a diverse distinct flora and fauna; even basic information such as
knowledge about the food of Agama mwanzae is unknown. Thus, the study involved the
investigation of the spatial and seasonal variation of insect abundance and agama food
intake in the grass plain kopjes of Serengeti National Park. The insects were sampled by
pitfall, sweep net and tray traps monthly within one year. A total of 58 175 individuals
from 16 orders were collected. The most common orders were Hymenoptera (30.19%),
Hemiptera (19.50%), Orthoptera (18.10%), Diptera (10.60%), Coleoptera (9.20%),
Arachnida (4.40%), Dictyoptera (2.70%), Lepidoptera (2.50%), and Isoptera (1.90%).
Insect abundance was higher during the wet period as compared to the dry season and Gol
kopjes attained the highest insect abundance followed by Simba and lastly Barafu kopjes.
A total of 2350 insect food items were identified from 120 agama lizard specimens
whereby 1597 were found during the wet season and 750 in the dry season. The majority
of the diet consisted of the Hymenoptera (47.03%), Isoptera (29.78%), Coleoptera
(18.29%), and Orthoptera (2.63%). In addition to insects, A. mwanzae fed on plant
materials. Insects comprised the majority of food items during the wet period when this
prey was most common. During the dry season plant material was the dominant food type
to agama lizards because of scarcity of insect food. It was found that there was statistical
significant difference in agama food intake between seasons and locations. Due to the
increase of destruction of agama lizard habitats the management authorities should ensure
that the land management practices should not damage these fragile habitats.
Insect abundance, Food intake, Serengeti national park
Mchetto,J.T(2010)Insect Abundance And Food Intake By Agama Mwanzae In Serengeti National Park, Tanzania .Morogoro; Sokoine University of Agriculture.