Research note on the distribution and relative importance of bean bruchid species aconthoscelides obtectus (say.) and zabrotes subfosciatus (boh.) in Tanzania

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Two bean bruchid species Acanthoscelides·obtectus (Say.) and Zabrotes subfasciatus (Boh.) are known to destroy beans in storage. However, the distribution and relative. importance of these species have not been established in Tanzania. In this study, a bf!an bruchid survey was carried out to find out if the two bean bruchid species occurred in th~ country. The survey was corzduded In 1993 and it was observed that both bean bruchid species were present in all regions surveyed. However, the speCies A. obtectus was more dominant in all. regions except in Ruvuma and therefore' appeared to be relatively more important than Z. subfasciatus. The occurrence of the two species in all surveyed regions indicates that both species are of economic importance in the country. There was no indication that the two species occur in well defined ecological zones.


Tanzania Journal of Agricultural Sciences 2000, VoL 3(2) : 181-184


Distribution, Bean bruchids, Relative importance
