Improving the provision of education by borrowing policies and practices from a foreign country
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International Journal of Progressive Sciences and Technologies (IJPSAT)
Many developing countries have been borrowing educational policies and practices from abroad. These nations need foreign programs in efforts to improve teaching, learning, and students’ performance. Educators aimed at learning and adopting educational policies and practices from countries and systems that demonstrate excellent educational provisions. They expect to acquire education programs to achieve quality education in their home countries. This article provides knowledge regarding the borrowing process. It discusses the process, principles and states why educators should accomplish the task. It gives some insights regarding the accurate ways for borrowing. Based on these perspectives, the article presents the model of borrowing and features and suggests the perfect methods to carry out the borrowing properly.
Journal article Vol. 14 No. 2 pp. 136-143
Transnational transfer, Borrowing process, Educational policies and practices, Provision of education