Kibirige, George W.Sanga, Camilius2022-05-172022-05-172008 Sensor Network (WSN) consists of large number of low-cost, resource-constrained sensor nodes. The constraints of the wireless sensor node is their characteristics which include low memory, low computation power, they are deployed in hostile area and left unattended, small range of communication capability and low energy capabilities. Base on those characteristics makes this network vulnerable to several attacks, such as sinkhole attack. Sinkhole attack is a type of attack were compromised node tries to attract network traffic by advertise its fake routing update. One of the impacts of sinkhole attack is that, it can be used to launch other attacks like selective forwarding attack, acknowledge spoofing attack and drops or altered routing information. It can also used to send bogus information to base station. This paper is focus on exploring and analyzing the existing solutions which used to detect and identify sinkhole attack in wireless sensor network. The analysis is based on advantages and limitation of the proposed solutions.enWireless sensor network (WSN),Sinkhole attackDetection of sinkhole attackA survey on detection of Sinkhole attack in wireless sensor networkArticle