Mwajombe, Kizito Kayanda2022-11-032022-11-032011 Technical Efficiency Index (TEI) of urban farming is central to selection and profit realization by urban agriculture farmers. It has been populated that technical efficiency indices can be useful tool in planning for Urban Agriculture (UA). This study was conducted in three selected municipalities to assess Urban Agriculture (UA) indices and some issues of Technical Efficiency. Municipal and city bylaws for regulating and controlling UA practices and their contradictions were examined. Socio-economic factors influencing UA and extension services provision were assessed. The technical efficiency levels of the selected UA enterprises were determined and compared. Data were collected from 270 respondents in the three studied municipalities. Results showed that UA was found across all density areas and majority of city dwellers practice it. Municipalities recognized UA and set regulations for regulating and controlling it. Despite of urban farmers having entrepreneurial acumen, they faced several challenges in resources and marketing. Land size, total variable costs, and extension service charges impacted on TEI. The highest TEI was achieved by keeping broilers, followed by keeping dairy cattle. Keeping layers ranked third and growing vegetables had lowest TEI. TEI levels declined as one moves from low to high density area. TEI were relatively higher with lower UA units in large animals (cattle) and higher for those who kept larger numbers of poultry. It was recommended to; (a) revisit the set municipal bylaws for regulating and controlling UA; (b) revamp a sound agricultural extension delivery system; (c) Improving support services delivery for promoting uptake of innovations by UA farmers. Further, Exploring profitable innovations for promoting UA in urban setting, carrying out TEI analysis of all UA practices to ascertain TEI levels and UA units for profitable UA enterprises combined with thorough market analysis of UA products and undertaking feasibility study on possibility and profitability of undertaking other types of UA enterprises like fish farming in tanks and or concrete ponds, would highly enhance UA in our cities.enUrban agriculture indicesUrban agricultural extension servicesUrban agriculture farmersTanzaniaUrban agriculture indices in selected towns in Tanzania and some issues on technical efficiency: implications for urban agricultural extension servicesThesis