Angello, Consolata2020-12-172020-12-172021Angello, C. K. (2021). Adoption and Use of ICTs by Livestock Keepers for Improved Access to Livestock Information: A Case of Selected Urban Areas in Tanzania. In Etim, A. S. (Eds.), Developing Countries and Technology Inclusion in the 21st Century Information Society (pp. 246-268). IGI Global. http://doi:10.4018/978-1-7998-3468-7.ch013 and communication technologies (ICTs) are very important tools for economic development and poverty reduction when used effectively by individuals in all economic sectors including agriculture. Urban livestock keepers need ICTs in their activities so that they can make informed decisions that can lead to improvement of the livestock industry. Despite its importance, ICT use is hindered by several factors including unawareness of the radio and television programmes and lack of computer skills. This chapter reveals the extent of use of ICTs by urban and peri-urban livestock keepers whereby different types of ICTs are used by urban livestock keepers to access livestock information, though some ICTs, for example, mobile phones are used more than other ICTs (radio and television). Internet is used by very few livestock keepers due computer illiteracy. Policy implications include improvement of the telecommunications services by the government through relevant bodies in order to facilitate more access to information through mobile phones, radio, television, and the internet.enAdoption and use of ICTs by Livestock Keepers for improved access to Livestock Information: A case of selected urban areas in TanzaniaBook chapter