Pangapanga, C. P.Marijani, B. J.Tumbo, S. D.Mpulila, T.Rwehumbiza, F. B.2017-06-162017-06-162005 village is located in Mikese ward, some 30 kilometres east of the Morogoro Municipality, along the Morogoro - Dar es Salaam highway. It is located at longitude 37º53’60’’ East, and the latitude is 6º46’ south. The annual rainfall ranges from 700mm to 1000 mm. The short rainy season (Vuli) starts in mid-October and ends in December while the long rains (Masika) start in February and ends in mid May. The dry season extends from June to October. The annual average maximum and minimum temperatures are 26ºC and 21ºC respectively. Soils are acidic lithosols and ferralitic latosols with deeper deposits of ferruginous sandy clay. Fulwe villagers depend mostly on rainfed agriculture and maize is the main staple food and also one of the major sources of income. Other crops cultivated include beans, soybeans and horticultural crops.Using the PT model to determine appropriate water management for maize production: A case study of Fulwe village in Morogoro districtTechnical Report