Mawona, Fidelis Gallus2015-02-032015-02-032010Mawona,F.G(2010)Performance Of Beef Cattle Under Different Feedlot Practices In Mwanza Region .Morogoro;Sokoine University of Agriculture. studies were carried in Misungwi, Nyamagana and Magu districts of Mwanza region to investigate the performance of cattle under different feedlot practices. The specific objectives were (1) To document feedlot beef production practices in the study area, (2) To study the source, quality of feeds and type of animals used by feedlot practitioners in fattening enterprises and (3) To evaluate the performance of indigenous beef cattle under different feedlot practices. Study 1 involved survey type using both closed and open-ended questions in a structured questionnaire that were administered to 58 respondents. In study 2 four feedlotters from each district were selected for monitoring that was conducted for 56 days, the performance of 240 beef cattle using four feed types namely cotton seed hulls (CSH), mixture of cotton seed cake (CSC) and cotton seed hulls, waste brewers mash and rice polishing were monitored. Feed intake per feedlot was measured daily and body weight measurements were determined fortnightly. Feed samples were collected and subjected to chemical and an in vitro dry matter digestibility analysis. Results showed that source and types of animals used in the feedlots were from Mwanza, Kagera and Kigoma regions. Both females and males were used. Breeds of animals used in feedlots were Tanzania Short Horn Zebu and Ankole. The CP content and in vitro dry matter digestibility for the 4 feed types were different (P<0.05). Feed intake per animal per day (8.84kgDM/d), average daily gain (0.78kg/d) and feed conversion ratio (11.3) were significantly (P< 0.05) higher for animals fed the mixture of CSH and CSC than other rations. Marginal profit per animal obtained ranged between 52830/=for animals consuming RP and 78500/= for animals consuming the mixture of CSH and CSC. It was concluded that local cattle can be finished on local byproducts yet substantial profit is realized.enBeef CattleDifferent FeedlotMwanza RegionPerformance Of Beef Cattle Under Different Feedlot Practices In Mwanza Region .Thesis