Muse, E. A.Matondo, R. B.Karimuribo, E. D.Misinzo, G.Mellau, L. S. B.Msoffe, P. L. M.Albano, M. O.Gitao, G. C.2020-05-082020-05-082012Third RUFORUM Biennial Meeting 24 - 28 September 2012, Entebbe, Uganda des petits ruminants (PPR) was first confirmed in Tanzania in 2008, however description of clinical or pathological signs was not carried out although this is important to assist quick identification and reporting of PPR cases by both livestock keepers and field-based animal health workers. A study was therefore conducted to investigate and describe clinical signs and pathological lesions associated with suspected PPR cases in southern Tanzania. It involved history taking and clinical examination of suspected cases of 25 goats and 3 sheep. Post- mortem examination of some cases was performed followed by collection of specimens for histopathological examination. Swabs were also collected for confirmation of PPR by detecting ribonucleic acid using reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). Serum samples were analysed using competitive enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (cELISA). Severe depression, high fever, anorexia, muco-pulurent nasal discharge, erosive and necrotic stomatitis, mild diarrhoea and skin nodules were major signs suggestive of PPR. Post mortem examination showed evidence of pneumonia including lung congestion and consolidation. RT-PCR confirmed presence of the PPR virus in samples and serum antibodies showed seroprevalence of 31%.enMorbilli virusPPRPneumoniaPPRVSkin nodulesPeste des Petits Ruminants (PPR) outbreak in southern, TanzaniaConferencce Proceedings