Normative change in contemporary religious practice: a case of Africa inland and catholic churches in Morogoro municipality

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Sokoine University of Agriculture


The changes of norms in our contemporary church practice have been subjected to social changes which lead to loose spiritual conduct in and out of our churches. Based on the church profile this was merely caused by the earliest split of the church from Roman Catholic to Protestant churches, the consequences then to a major normative change that was to come. The rituals have changed overtime for different denominations and at different speeds. However no research has been undertaken to examine the change in Morogoro Municipality. This study was conducted in Morogoro Municipality in 2006 to determine the change of norms in our churches. It specifically focused on examining the nature of normative changes in religious practices by identifying norms that guide religious practices, establishing how and why these norms have changed over time and to compare the nature and sources of this change between conservative Roman Catholic and liberal Africa Inland Churches. The study employed a stratified sample of 40 respondents from each church to make SO respondents. Stratified random sample structured questionnaires were used to gather information from selected churches. Focus group discussion (FGDs) was used to gather information on normative values. The Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) of the computer programme was used to analyze data generated by questionnaire. These data from two denominations surveyed were analyzed descriptively and presented in a form of means, frequencies and percentages to show the relationships between independent and dependent variables. The results showed that there were great changes in respect to church norms, thus norms have generally been manipulated to suit interests of persons or particular groups.




Contemporary religious practice, Africa inland, Catholic churches, Morogoro municipality
