Value chain analysis for cassava in the eastern zone of Tanzania

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Sokoine University of Agriculture


A study was conducted in the Eastern zone of Tanzania to evaluate the existing value chain for cassava using the Profit Margin and Sustainable Livelihood Approaches. Data were collected using a structured questionnaire and Participatory' Rural Appraisal (PRA). The results of analysis showed that cassava was marketed mainly as a fresh root, dry roots/chips and cassava flours. The analysis of livelihood assets revealed that PANTIL project farmers had more favourable livelihood portfolios than their counterpart non-PANTIL project farmers. The former owned significantly larger land holdings than the latter farmers (P < 0.05), averaging at 2.4 versus 1.7 ha. respectively. When human capital was evaluated using the proxy of average years of schooling for family members aged 25 to 64 years, the results showed statistically significant higher portfolios of human capital for PANTIL project farmers than non- PANTIL project farmers (P < 0.05). The difference in human capital measured in terms of Adult Labour Equivalent was not significant (P < 0.05). The PANTIL farmers had also adopted more cassava processing technologies than the non- PANTIL farmers (P < 0.05). The former farmers obtained higher net margins than the latter (a mean difference of Tshs 129 919 which was significant at P < 0.05). The study recommended that the government should help facilitating the introduction and adoption of appropriate technologies that can reduce labour bottlenecks and enhance cassava production, processing, marketing and utilization. The opportunity for processing enterprises must be identified based on the existence of viable market opportunities and the financial aspects of technology acquisition (affordability) and operation should be taken into account.




Cassava, Cassava-value chain, Tanzania, Rural Appraisal (PRA)
